Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12
Music and Song (topic) sheet music (137 Free Arrangements)
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M. B. Wayne
Book of…, Diligence…, Holy…, Meditation, Music and…, Remember…, Repentance, Righteousness…, Savior…, Scriptures…, Self-Improvement, Testimony, Worthiness
Glory to God on High-God Is Love-In Hymns of Praise-Just a Closer Walk with Thee-Near the Cross-Peac
Vincent Allen
Atonement…, Charity, Children, Children's Songs, Christ, Comfort…, Compassion, Courage, Earth/Nature, Easter, Faith, Fellowship, Gratitude…, Heavenly Father, Home/Family, Hope, Love, Music and…, Nature, Peace, Praise, Strength, Worship, Youth…, Simplified Arrangement…
Piano…, Vocal Solo…
Beatrice Bergér Gee
Vocal Solo…, Atonement…, Christ, Christmas, Comfort…, Commandments, Courage, Creation…, Creator, Death/Funeral, Earth/Nature, Easter, Eternal Life…, Fatherhood…, Forgiveness, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heaven…, Heavenly Father, Holy…, Hope, Humility/Meekness, Individual Worth…, Knowledge/Truth, Love, Meditation, Motivation, Music and…, Peace, Plan of…, Repentance, Restoration, Resurrection, Sacrifice, Savior…, Worship, Instrumental…
Bonnie Heidenreich
Consecration, Home/Family, Music and…, Prayer, Reverence, Sabbath, Worship
Donna Bawden
Atonement…, Blessings, Christ, Christmas, Comfort…, Courage, Eternal Life…, Example, Faith, Fall, Gospel, Guidance, Happiness…, Hope, Knowledge/Truth, Learning, Love, Music and…, Peace, Praise, Resurrection, Sacrifice, Savior…, Spirit, Strength
Ross Farnworth
Adversity, Blessings, Brotherhood, Charity, Christ, Compassion, Creation…, Fellowship, Love, Music and…, Plan of…, Savior…, Second Coming…, Trials, Worship
SA, Duet
Mandi Miller
Agency…, Brotherhood, Charity, Children, Children's Songs, Comfort…, Courage, Depression…, Diligence…, Duty, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Example, Faith, Family, Fellowship, Friend/Friendship, Gathering of…, Goals, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Home/Family, Hope, Humility/Meekness, Individual Worth…, Kindness, Knowledge/Truth, Leadership/Shepherd, Learning, Love, Missionary Work, Motherhood…, Motivation, Music and…, Patience, Relief Society…, Righteousness…, Self-Improvement, Service, Strength, Talents, Trust in…, Truth…, Unity, Work, Youth…, Zion, Primary with…
Primary…, Vocal Solo…
Donna Bawden
Vocal Solo…, Atonement…, Blessings, Charity, Christ, Christmas, Comfort…, Commandments, Consecration, Diligence…, Duty, Earth/Nature, Eternal Life…, Forgiveness, Guidance, Happiness…, Heaven…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Humility/Meekness, Israel, Leadership/Shepherd, Love, Music and…, Obedience…, Peace, Repentance, Righteousness…, Sacrifice, Savior…, Scriptures…, Spirit, Strength, Trust in…, Women Unison
Duet, Flute…, Flute Solo
Rebecca Bogardus
Aaronic Priesthood, Agency…, Atonement…, Baptism, Charity, Chastity/Purity, Children, Children's Songs, Christ, Commandments, Courage, Diligence…, Duty, Earth/Nature, Enthusiasm, Example, Faith, Family, Fatherhood…, Goals, Gospel, Heavenly Father, Holy…, Home/Family, Honesty/Integrity, Kindness, Leadership/Shepherd, Love, Motherhood…, Music and…, Obedience…, Plan of…, Prayer, Preparedness, Priesthood, Prophets, Repentance, Righteousness…, Savior…, Scriptures…, Self-Improvement, Self-control, Testimony, Trust in…, Worthiness, Simplified Arrangement…
Lauren Flauding
Blessings, Christ, Comfort…, Courage, Creator, Diligence…, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Faith, Gospel, Gratitude…, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Holy…, Hope, Individual Worth…, Kindness, Knowledge/Truth, Love, Miracles, Music and…, Nature, Peace, Praise, Prayer, Righteousness…, Savior…, Testimony, Trust in…, Worship
Stephen Chase
Atonement…, Christ, Comfort…, Diligence…, Duty, Forgiveness, Guidance, Holy…, Learning, Love, Meditation, Music and…, Obedience…, Praise, Preparedness, Remember…, Repentance, Revelation, Righteousness…, Sabbath, Sacrament, Sacrifice, Savior…, Self-Improvement, Spirit, Strength, Teaching…, Truth…, Worship, Worthiness
Duet, Primary…
Jenny Garlock
Children, Children's Songs, Comfort…, Eternal Life…, Example, Family, Fatherhood…, Genealogy…, Home/Family, Kindness, Love, Motherhood…, Music and…, Prayer, Priesthood, Temple, Choir with…
Stephen Chase
Blessings, Christ, Earth/Nature, Happiness…, Knowledge/Truth, Light/Sun, Love, Music and…, Peace, Praise, Prayer, Resurrection, Savior…, Second Coming…, Sorrow, Spirit, Truth…
Primary…, Vocal Solo
Dean Reed Guymon
Blessings, Children, Children's Songs, Commandments, Courage, Diligence…, Duty, EFY style…, Enthusiasm, Example, Faith, Goals, Hope, Individual Worth…, Leadership/Shepherd, Motivation, Music and…, Obedience…, Patience, Pioneers, Sacrifice, Self-Improvement, Self-control, Strength, Testimony, Trials, Trust in…, Work, Youth…, Zion
Vincent Allen
Aaronic Priesthood, Adversity, Atonement…, Blessings, Book of…, Children, Children's Songs, Christ, Christmas, Comfort…, Compassion, Courage, Creation…, Creator, Death/Funeral, Depression…, Diligence…, Earth/Nature, Easter, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Example, Faith, Family, Fellowship, Forgiveness, Friend/Friendship, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heaven…, Heavenly Father, Holy…, Home/Family, Hope, Humility/Meekness, Joseph Smith, Kindness, Knowledge/Truth, Love, Lullabies, Meditation, Music and…, Nature, Obedience…, Patience, Patriotic, Peace, Plan of…, Praise, Prayer, Priesthood, Repentance, Restoration, Reverence, Righteousness…, Sacrament, Sacrifice, Savior…, Second Coming…, Self-Improvement, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Supplication, Testimony, Trust in…, Truth…, Worship
Double Bass
Vincent Allen
Adversity, Atonement…, Blessings, Charity, Christ, Christmas, Comfort…, Courage, Creation…, Creator, Depression…, Earth/Nature, Easter, Encouragement, Eternal Life…, Faith, Fatherhood…, Fellowship, Happiness…, Heaven…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Kindness, Love, Music and…, Peace, Plan of…, Praise, Prayer, Priesthood, Sacrament, Sacrifice, Savior…, Second Coming…, Spirit, Strength, Trust in…, Worship, Zion
Piano Solo
Danielle Williams
Adversity, Agency…, Atonement…, Blessings, Book of…, Charity, Children, Children's Songs, Christ, Christmas, Comfort…, Commandments, Compassion, Courage, Creator, Death/Funeral, Depression…, Diligence…, EFY style…, Earth/Nature, Easter, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Family, Farewell, Fatherhood…, Fellowship, Forgiveness, Friend/Friendship, Gathering of…, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heaven…, Heavenly Father, Holy…, Home/Family, Hope, Humility/Meekness, Instrumental Music…, Israel, Joseph Smith, Judging/Justice, Kindness, Knowledge/Truth, Learning, Light/Sun, Love, Meditation, Miracles, Missionary Work, Motherhood…, Music and…, Nature, Obedience…, Parables, Patience, Peace, Pioneers, Plan of…, Praise, Prayer, Relief Society…, Repentance, Restoration, Resurrection, Revelation, Righteousness…, Sacrament, Sacrifice, Savior…, Scripture Mastery, Scriptures…, Second Coming…, Self-Improvement, Service, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Supplication, Temple, Testimony, Trials, Trust in…, Truth…, Unity, Work, Worship, Youth…, Zion, Book of…, Simplified Arrangement…
SA, Duet
Donna Bawden
Christ, Christmas, Eternal Life…, Happiness…, Leadership/Shepherd, Love, Music and…, Plan of…, Praise, Revelation, Savior…
SATB, SATB quartet
Tim Shirra
Comfort…, Earth/Nature, Friend/Friendship, Happiness…, Love, Music and…, Nature, Secular, Unity, A Cappella…
Primary…, Youth Choir…
Dawn Rose
Agency…, Atonement…, Children's Songs, Christ, Creation…, Creator, Easter, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Gratitude…, Happiness…, Heaven…, Knowledge/Truth, Light/Sun, Miracles, Music and…, Peace, Plan of…, Praise, Remember…, Resurrection, Sacrifice, Savior…, Second Coming…, Testimony, Unity, Worship
SA, ST, TB, 2 part…, Duet, Piano Prelude…, Piano Solo, Primary…, Vocal Solo…, Vocal Solo…, Young Men…, Young Women…, Youth Choir…
Joshua Peeks, Victoria Farnsworth
Vocal Solo…, Vocal Solo…, Blessings, Brotherhood, Christ, Creation…, Creator, Earth/Nature, Eternal Life…, Faith, Fellowship, Gospel, Gratitude…, Happiness…, Heaven…, Heavenly Father, Humility/Meekness, Instrumental Music…, Knowledge/Truth, Love, Meditation, Music and…, Nature, Peace, Praise, Prayer, Remember…, Sabbath, Sacrifice, Savior…, Spirit, Testimony, Worship, Choir with…, Come unto…, Instrumental…, Primary with…
SA, SAA, SAB, SATB, SSA, TB, 2 part…, Duet, Primary…, Trio, Vocal Solo
Amanda Christensen
Activation…, Adversity, Agency…, Atonement…, Baptism, Birthday, Blessings, Book of…, Charity, Children, Children's Songs, Christ, Comfort…, Consecration, Courage, Creator, Death/Funeral, Dedication of…, Depression…, Diligence…, EFY style…, Earth/Nature, Easter, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Farewell, Fatherhood…, Fellowship, Friend/Friendship, Gathering of…, Goals, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heaven…, Heavenly Father, Holy…, Hope, Humility/Meekness, Individual Worth…, Joseph Smith, Knowledge/Truth, Learning, Light/Sun, Love, Lullabies, Marriage/Wedding, Meditation, Miracles, Missionary Work, Motherhood…, Motivation, Music and…, Nature, New Year, Obedience…, Patience, Peace, Pioneers, Plan of…, Praise, Prayer, Relief Society…, Remember…, Repentance, Restoration, Resurrection, Revelation, Reverence, Righteousness…, Sabbath, Savior…, Self-Improvement, Self-control, Spirit, Strength, Supplication, Temperance, Temple, Testimony, Trials, Trust in…, Truth…, Unity, Virtue/Chastity, Worship, Worthiness, Youth…, Zion, Stand in…, Women Unison, Youth Choir
Emily Rachel Middleton Doegey
Adversity, Agency…, Atonement…, Blessings, Christ, Comfort…, Compassion, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Faith, Forgiveness, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heaven…, Heavenly Father, Holy…, Honesty/Integrity, Hope, Humility/Meekness, Judging/Justice, Kindness, Knowledge/Truth, Music and…, Obedience…, Peace, Repentance, Reverence, Righteousness…, Sacrifice, Savior…, Self-Improvement, Self-control, Spirit, Strength, Trust in…, Worship, Worthiness, Primary with…
Marci Preece
Children's Songs, Example, Family, Fatherhood…, Home/Family, Kindness, Love, Motherhood…, Music and…, Prayer, Priesthood, Medley
Duet, Piano…
Mariann L. Johnston
Children's Songs, Example, Family, Fatherhood…, Home/Family, Kindness, Love, Motherhood…, Music and…, Prayer, Priesthood
Kelli McDowell
Children's Songs, Example, Family, Fatherhood…, Home/Family, Kindness, Love, Motherhood…, Music and…, Prayer, Priesthood, Medley
Debbie Farr Beckstrom
Agency…, Book of…, Children, Children's Songs, Comfort…, Courage, Diligence…, Duty, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Example, Faith, Gospel, Guidance, Heavenly Father, Honesty/Integrity, Hope, Humility/Meekness, Joseph Smith, Miracles, Motivation, Music and…, Obedience…, Prayer, Preparedness, Prophets, Righteousness…, Scriptures…, Strength, Supplication, Trust in…, Truth…, Piano
Vocal Solo…
Jaeyong D. Lee
Vocal Solo…, Blessings, Christ, Comfort…, Consecration, Courage, Creator, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Faith, Fellowship, Forgiveness, Gospel, Guidance, Heaven…, Heavenly Father, Holy…, Knowledge/Truth, Learning, Love, Meditation, Motivation, Music and…, Obedience…, Peace, Praise, Prayer, Sacrifice, Savior…, Spirit, Trust in…, Truth…, Unity, Worship
Piano Solo
Adrienne Foster Potter
Earth/Nature, Meditation, Music and…, Nature, Prayer, Reverence, Trials
Dean Reed Guymon
Adversity, Agency…, Brotherhood, Charity, Children, Children's Songs, Comfort…, Commandments, Compassion, Courage, Depression…, Diligence…, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Example, Family, Fellowship, Forgiveness, Friend/Friendship, Goals, Gratitude…, Happiness…, Home/Family, Humility/Meekness, Individual Worth…, Judging/Justice, Kindness, Leadership/Shepherd, Love, Moderation, Motivation, Music and…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Reverence, Self-Improvement, Self-control, Service, Strength, Talents, Temperance, Testimony, Trials, Unity, Worthiness, Arise and…, Be Strong…
Vocal Solo…
Jaeyong D. Lee
Vocal Solo…, Atonement…, Blessings, Christ, Comfort…, Creator, Earth/Nature, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Farewell, Forgiveness, Gospel, Guidance, Heaven…, Heavenly Father, Holy…, Hope, Knowledge/Truth, Light/Sun, Love, Meditation, Music and…, Obedience…, Peace, Praise, Prayer, Righteousness…, Savior…, Spirit, Testimony, Trust in…, Truth…, Unity, Word of…, Worship
Vocal Solo
Anna Molgard, Rachel Mohlman
Comfort…, Creation…, Faith, Gratitude…, Hope, Love, Music and…, Peace, Testimony
Flute…, Flute Solo
Rebecca Bogardus
Aaronic Priesthood, Adversity, Agency…, Atonement…, Baptism, Book of…, Charity, Chastity/Purity, Children, Children's Songs, Christ, Commandments, Courage, Diligence…, Duty, Earth/Nature, Enthusiasm, Example, Faith, Family, Fatherhood…, Goals, Gospel, Heavenly Father, Holy…, Home/Family, Honesty/Integrity, Kindness, Leadership/Shepherd, Love, Missionary Work, Motherhood…, Music and…, Obedience…, Plan of…, Prayer, Preparedness, Priesthood, Prophets, Repentance, Righteousness…, Savior…, Scriptures…, Self-Improvement, Self-control, Testimony, Trials, Trust in…, Worthiness, Simplified Arrangement…
SATB, SATB quartet
Katherine Manning
Atonement…, Comfort…, Earth/Nature, Faith, Happiness…, Hope, Music and…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Savior…, Trials
Joy to the World-We Three Kings of Orient Are-With Humble Heart-With Songs of Praise-A Smile is Like
Harp…, Organ…, Primary…, Trumpet, Vocal Solo…, Young Men…, Young Women…, Youth Choir…
Vincent Allen
Vocal Solo…, Atonement…, Children's Songs, Christ, Christmas, Comfort…, Creation…, Earth/Nature, Easter, Gratitude…, Happiness…, Hope, Instrumental Music…, Light/Sun, Love, Lullabies, Music and…, Nature, Peace, Praise, Sabbath, Sacrament, Savior…, Second Coming…, Testimony, Worship, Simplified Arrangement…
Guitar, Guitar Chords…, Hand…, Ukulele
Amanda Christensen
Aaronic Priesthood, Agency…, Atonement…, Baptism, Blessings, Charity, Chastity/Purity, Children, Children's Songs, Christ, Christmas, Comfort…, Commandments, Compassion, Consecration, Courage, Death/Funeral, Depression…, Diligence…, Duty, Earth/Nature, Easter, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Example, Faith, Family, Fatherhood…, Forgiveness, Friend/Friendship, Genealogy…, Goals, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heaven…, Heavenly Father, Holy…, Home/Family, Honesty/Integrity, Hope, Individual Worth…, Instrumental Music…, Kindness, Knowledge/Truth, Leadership/Shepherd, Learning, Light/Sun, Love, Lullabies, Marriage/Wedding, Missionary Work, Motherhood…, Motivation, Music and…, Nature, Obedience…, Peace, Pioneers, Plan of…, Praise, Prayer, Preparedness, Prophets, Repentance, Righteousness…, Sabbath, Savior…, Scriptures…, Self-Improvement, Self-control, Service, Supplication, Talents, Temple, Testimony, Trust in…, Truth…, Welfare, Work, Worship, Worthiness, Book of…, Harp, Languages, Piano, Simplified Arrangement…
Organ…, Piano Prelude…
Keith Rowley
Activation…, Adversity, Atonement…, Blessings, Charity, Christ, Closing, Comfort…, Commandments, Creation…, Creator, Diligence…, Duty, Earth/Nature, Encouragement, Eternal Life…, Faith, Family, Fatherhood…, Friend/Friendship, Gathering of…, Gratitude…, Happiness…, Heaven…, Heavenly Father, Home/Family, Hope, Israel, Love, Missionary Work, Music and…, Nature, Obedience…, Patriotic, Peace, Pioneers, Plan of…, Praise, Prayer, Priesthood, Prophets, Reverence, Savior…, Second Coming…, Sorrow, Strength, Supplication, Trust in…, Zion, Languages
Organ…, Piano Prelude…
Keith Rowley
Activation…, Adversity, Agency…, Atonement…, Baptism, Blessings, Brotherhood, Charity, Children, Children's Songs, Christ, Christmas, Closing, Comfort…, Commandments, Compassion, Consecration, Creation…, Creator, Death/Funeral, Diligence…, Duty, Earth/Nature, Easter, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Example, Faith, Family, Fatherhood…, Fellowship, Forgiveness, Friend/Friendship, Gathering of…, Genealogy…, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heaven…, Heavenly Father, Holy…, Home/Family, Honesty/Integrity, Hope, Humility/Meekness, Individual Worth…, Instrumental Music…, Judging/Justice, Kindness, Learning, Light/Sun, Love, Lullabies, Marriage/Wedding, Missionary Work, Motherhood…, Music and…, Nature, Obedience…, Parables, Patience, Peace, Pioneers, Plan of…, Praise, Prayer, Priesthood, Relief Society…, Repentance, Restoration, Resurrection, Revelation, Righteousness…, Sacrament, Sacrifice, Savior…, Self-Improvement, Service, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Supplication, Temple, Temptation, Testimony, Trials, Trust in…, Unity, Virtue/Chastity, Word of…, Work, Worship, Worthiness, Youth Mutual…, Book of…
Andrew Moore
Activation…, Adversity, Atonement…, Christ, Comfort…, Courage, Depression…, Diligence…, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Knowledge/Truth, Light/Sun, Love, Motivation, Music and…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Prayer, Repentance, Savior…, Self-Improvement, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Temptation, Trust in…, Worship
Donna Bawden
Atonement…, Christ, Easter, Eternal Life…, Hope, Music and…, Plan of…, Resurrection, Sacrifice, Savior…, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Testimony, Trials, Trust in…, Worship
Piano Solo
Emma Hales
Adversity, Atonement…, Blessings, Brotherhood, Charity, Christ, Comfort…, Compassion, Consecration, Courage, Death/Funeral, Duty, Example, Family, Fellowship, Friend/Friendship, Gratitude…, Home/Family, Humility/Meekness, Joseph Smith, Kindness, Love, Music and…, Obedience…, Parables, Peace, Sacrifice, Savior…, Self-Improvement, Service, Strength, Trials, Unity, Work, Youth…, Medley, Violin…
Organ…, Vocal Solo…
Chad Staten
Vocal Solo…, Music and…, Praise, Worship, Includes Vocal…
Brian Richey
Atonement…, Blessings, Christ, Comfort…, Compassion, Creator, Death/Funeral, Depression…, Diligence…, Earth/Nature, Easter, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Fellowship, Forgiveness, Friend/Friendship, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Humility/Meekness, Kindness, Knowledge/Truth, Love, Meditation, Music and…, Nature, Obedience…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Repentance, Righteousness…, Sacrifice, Savior…, Self-Improvement, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Supplication, Testimony, Trust in…, Truth…, Worship
Piano Solo
Nick Sales
Atonement…, Blessings, Christ, Comfort…, Compassion, Creator, Death/Funeral, Depression…, Diligence…, Earth/Nature, Easter, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Fellowship, Forgiveness, Friend/Friendship, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Humility/Meekness, Kindness, Knowledge/Truth, Love, Meditation, Music and…, Nature, Obedience…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Repentance, Righteousness…, Sacrifice, Savior…, Self-Improvement, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Supplication, Testimony, Trust in…, Truth…, Worship, Instrumental…
SATB, Double Bass, Guitar
Michael Wheeler
Atonement…, Blessings, Christ, Comfort…, Compassion, Creator, Death/Funeral, Depression…, Diligence…, Earth/Nature, Easter, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Fellowship, Forgiveness, Friend/Friendship, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Humility/Meekness, Kindness, Knowledge/Truth, Love, Meditation, Music and…, Nature, Obedience…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Repentance, Righteousness…, Sacrifice, Savior…, Self-Improvement, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Supplication, Testimony, Trust in…, Truth…, Worship, Choir with…, Piano
Primary…, Vocal Solo
Brenda Crofts Reep
Atonement…, Blessings, Christ, Comfort…, Compassion, Creator, Death/Funeral, Depression…, Diligence…, Earth/Nature, Easter, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Fellowship, Forgiveness, Friend/Friendship, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Humility/Meekness, Kindness, Knowledge/Truth, Love, Meditation, Music and…, Nature, Obedience…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Repentance, Righteousness…, Sacrifice, Savior…, Self-Improvement, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Supplication, Testimony, Trust in…, Truth…, Worship
Don Fallick
Atonement…, Blessings, Christ, Comfort…, Compassion, Creator, Death/Funeral, Depression…, Diligence…, Earth/Nature, Easter, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Fellowship, Forgiveness, Friend/Friendship, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Humility/Meekness, Kindness, Knowledge/Truth, Love, Meditation, Music and…, Nature, Obedience…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Repentance, Righteousness…, Sacrifice, Savior…, Self-Improvement, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Supplication, Testimony, Trust in…, Truth…, Worship
Piano Solo
Justin K. Reeve
Atonement…, Blessings, Christ, Comfort…, Compassion, Creator, Death/Funeral, Depression…, Diligence…, Earth/Nature, Easter, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Fellowship, Forgiveness, Friend/Friendship, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Humility/Meekness, Kindness, Knowledge/Truth, Love, Meditation, Music and…, Nature, Obedience…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Repentance, Righteousness…, Sacrament, Sacrifice, Savior…, Self-Improvement, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Supplication, Testimony, Trust in…, Truth…, Worship, Languages
Harp…, Violin Solo
Jessica Slade
Atonement…, Blessings, Christ, Comfort…, Compassion, Creator, Death/Funeral, Depression…, Diligence…, Earth/Nature, Easter, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Fellowship, Forgiveness, Friend/Friendship, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Humility/Meekness, Kindness, Knowledge/Truth, Love, Meditation, Music and…, Nature, Obedience…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Repentance, Righteousness…, Sacrifice, Savior…, Self-Improvement, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Supplication, Testimony, Trust in…, Truth…, Worship
Piano Solo
Tiffany Hobson
Atonement…, Blessings, Christ, Comfort…, Compassion, Creator, Death/Funeral, Depression…, Diligence…, Earth/Nature, Easter, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Fellowship, Forgiveness, Friend/Friendship, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Humility/Meekness, Kindness, Knowledge/Truth, Love, Meditation, Music and…, Nature, Obedience…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Repentance, Righteousness…, Sacrifice, Savior…, Self-Improvement, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Supplication, Testimony, Trust in…, Truth…, Worship, Instrumental…
David Welker
Atonement…, Blessings, Christ, Comfort…, Compassion, Creator, Death/Funeral, Depression…, Diligence…, Earth/Nature, Easter, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Fellowship, Forgiveness, Friend/Friendship, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Humility/Meekness, Kindness, Knowledge/Truth, Love, Meditation, Music and…, Nature, Obedience…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Repentance, Righteousness…, Sacrifice, Savior…, Self-Improvement, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Supplication, Testimony, Trust in…, Truth…, Worship
Piano Solo
Michelle M Hylton
Atonement…, Blessings, Christ, Comfort…, Compassion, Creator, Death/Funeral, Depression…, Diligence…, Earth/Nature, Easter, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Fellowship, Forgiveness, Friend/Friendship, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Humility/Meekness, Kindness, Knowledge/Truth, Love, Meditation, Music and…, Nature, Obedience…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Repentance, Righteousness…, Sacrifice, Savior…, Self-Improvement, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Supplication, Testimony, Trust in…, Truth…, Worship
Amber Gurr
Atonement…, Blessings, Christ, Comfort…, Compassion, Creator, Death/Funeral, Depression…, Diligence…, Earth/Nature, Easter, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Fellowship, Forgiveness, Friend/Friendship, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Humility/Meekness, Kindness, Knowledge/Truth, Love, Meditation, Music and…, Nature, Obedience…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Repentance, Righteousness…, Sacrifice, Savior…, Self-Improvement, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Supplication, Testimony, Trust in…, Truth…, Worship
Piano Solo
Tasha Palmer
Atonement…, Blessings, Christ, Comfort…, Compassion, Creator, Death/Funeral, Depression…, Diligence…, Earth/Nature, Easter, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Fellowship, Forgiveness, Friend/Friendship, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Humility/Meekness, Kindness, Knowledge/Truth, Love, Meditation, Music and…, Nature, Obedience…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Repentance, Righteousness…, Sacrifice, Savior…, Self-Improvement, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Supplication, Testimony, Trust in…, Truth…, Worship, Simplified Arrangement…
SA, SB, ST, TB, 2 part…, Duet, Primary…, Young Men…, Young Women…, Youth Choir…
Sandy Steinfelt
Activation…, Atonement…, Christ, Christmas, Comfort…, Courage, Depression…, Diligence…, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Instrumental Music…, Knowledge/Truth, Light/Sun, Love, Motivation, Music and…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Relief Society…, Repentance, Savior…, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Temptation, Trust in…, Primary with…
Duet, Trio, Young Men…, Young Women…, Youth Choir…
Debbie Farr Beckstrom
Aaronic Priesthood, Agency…, Brotherhood, Children, Children's Songs, Comfort…, Commandments, Courage, Diligence…, Duty, EFY style…, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Example, Faith, Farewell, Gospel, Guidance, Happiness…, Honesty/Integrity, Hope, Humility/Meekness, Individual Worth…, Knowledge/Truth, Leadership/Shepherd, Love, Miracles, Missionary Work, Motivation, Music and…, Obedience…, Plan of…, Preparedness, Priesthood, Prophets, Revelation, Righteousness…, Sacrifice, Savior…, Scriptures…, Self-Improvement, Service, Spirit, Strength, Talents, Teaching…, Testimony, Trust in…, Truth…, Unity, Work, Worthiness, Arise and…, Come unto…, Embark in…, Piano
Cello…, Instrument Ensemble, String Quartet, Viola, Violin…
Seth Cox
Blessings, Charity, Children's Songs, Comfort…, Compassion, Example, Family, Fatherhood…, Home/Family, Kindness, Love, Motherhood…, Music and…, Obedience…, Parables, Prayer, Priesthood, Relief Society…, Unity, Medley
Primary…, Vocal Solo…
Donna Bawden
Vocal Solo…, Blessings, Children, Christ, Christmas, Enthusiasm, Family, Friend/Friendship, Happiness…, Home/Family, Hope, Kindness, Love, Music and…, Service, Women Unison
Linda Pratt
Activation…, Atonement…, Christ, Comfort…, Courage, Depression…, Diligence…, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Knowledge/Truth, Light/Sun, Love, Motivation, Music and…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Repentance, Savior…, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Temptation, Trust in…
Beth Shurtleff
Activation…, Atonement…, Christ, Comfort…, Courage, Depression…, Diligence…, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Knowledge/Truth, Light/Sun, Love, Motivation, Music and…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Repentance, Savior…, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Temptation, Trust in…
Katy Francom
Activation…, Atonement…, Christ, Comfort…, Courage, Depression…, Diligence…, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Knowledge/Truth, Light/Sun, Love, Motivation, Music and…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Repentance, Savior…, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Temptation, Trust in…
Brian Richey
Activation…, Atonement…, Christ, Comfort…, Courage, Depression…, Diligence…, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Knowledge/Truth, Light/Sun, Love, Motivation, Music and…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Repentance, Savior…, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Temptation, Trust in…
Piano Solo
Marika Lee
Activation…, Atonement…, Children, Children's Songs, Christ, Comfort…, Courage, Depression…, Diligence…, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Knowledge/Truth, Light/Sun, Love, Motivation, Music and…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Repentance, Savior…, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Temptation, Trust in…
Primary…, Vocal Solo
Brenda Crofts Reep
Activation…, Atonement…, Christ, Comfort…, Courage, Depression…, Diligence…, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Knowledge/Truth, Light/Sun, Love, Motivation, Music and…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Repentance, Savior…, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Temptation, Trust in…
Linda Pratt
Activation…, Atonement…, Christ, Comfort…, Courage, Depression…, Diligence…, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Knowledge/Truth, Light/Sun, Love, Motivation, Music and…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Repentance, Savior…, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Temptation, Trust in…, Spanish/Español
Piano Solo
Amanda W Smith
Activation…, Atonement…, Children, Children's Songs, Christ, Comfort…, Courage, Depression…, Diligence…, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Gathering of…, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Israel, Joseph Smith, Knowledge/Truth, Light/Sun, Love, Motivation, Music and…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Prayer, Repentance, Restoration, Savior…, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Temptation, Trust in…, Zion, Medley
Duet, Vocal Solo…, Young Women…
Linda J. Purnell
Vocal Solo…, Activation…, Atonement…, Christ, Comfort…, Courage, Depression…, Diligence…, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Knowledge/Truth, Light/Sun, Love, Motivation, Music and…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Repentance, Savior…, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Temptation, Trust in…
Rachel Mohlman
Activation…, Atonement…, Christ, Comfort…, Courage, Depression…, Diligence…, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Knowledge/Truth, Light/Sun, Love, Motivation, Music and…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Repentance, Savior…, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Temptation, Trust in…
Piano Solo
Terri Hutchings
Activation…, Atonement…, Christ, Comfort…, Courage, Depression…, Diligence…, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Knowledge/Truth, Light/Sun, Love, Motivation, Music and…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Repentance, Savior…, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Temptation, Trust in…
SSA, Ukulele
Jenny Garlock
Activation…, Atonement…, Christ, Comfort…, Courage, Depression…, Diligence…, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Example, Faith, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Knowledge/Truth, Light/Sun, Love, Missionary Work, Motivation, Music and…, Patience, Peace, Praise, Prayer, Repentance, Revelation, Savior…, Sorrow, Spirit, Strength, Temptation, Trust in…, Languages
Andrew Moore
Atonement…, Eternal Life…, Forgiveness, Happiness…, Heaven…, Music and…, Praise, Worship
You can also get a (possibly more complete) list of hymns for this topic (Music and Song (topic)) here.