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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Tim Shirra!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, SATB quartet

Related song categories are:
Music and Song (topic)
A Cappella/Optional A Capella

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More about Tim Shirra:
Someone who enjoys dabbling and tinkering with music, especially for SATB a cappella groups.
Song background:

A slightly different, SATB version of the much loved song popularised by Louis Armstrong. Topped and tailed with my own intro and ending, with a nod to the Sound of Music, Vincent Van Gogh, Mr Blue Sky (ELO), and to Raymond Briggs' Father Christmas. Ideas for some of the more unusual sub-melodies/harmonies come from the way I play this on the guitar.

Inspiration for the song, apart from the wonderful, beautiful, colourful, fragrant and magical world that we live in, and the wonderful, irrepressible force that was Louis Armstrong, comes most especially from my wonderful mum, who passed away in 2013, my wonderful friends present and departer, and to the SATB choir I currently sing in, Ealing Junior Music School's Parents' group, Adult Chorale. 

So far, I have only been able to score the four voices (SATB) but not piano accompaniment. It is intended to be an a cappella version, but piano accompaniment would be useful for practice sessions, I realise. But this is currently beyond my skills at using Noteflight, the online tool in which I arranged this piece.

The piece also contains little sprinklings of French, Spanish and Japanese - because the choir I sing in is multinational and multilingual. 

If any choir doesn't mind the amateurish rough edges all over this piece, and actually does sing it one day, I would be most grateful if you could make a recording of it and let me hear it - many thanks in advance!

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Lyrics: In the attached PDF.
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