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Voicing/Instrumentation: Piano Solo
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More about Adrienne Foster Potter:
--Majored in Music Theory/Composition at U of U and BYU. Studied under Lowell Durham and Bro. Sardoni. --Wrote first song at age 16. --Plays guitar, sings, plays piano, bass, and organ. --Published first songs online in 1995. ----Have had songs performed in various wards and stakes around the country and for regional YA events. Writer, artist, and musician who likes to do projects involving all three of these venues. She has published 12 books on as well as many illustrated, free stories for kids at Thirty Music videos at
When I was a child we lived Tripoli, Libya for almost two years. This was before Col. Gaddafi took control, and it was a time when Americans were still somewhat safe there. There was no fresh milk, the water had to be boiled, there were millions of flies outside, and there was sand everywhere that even blew under the door cracks and into the house. The smells of Tripoli were pungent and the muezzin called loudly from their towers for all Muslims to pray five times a day. For me, it was a big adventure and I had plenty of siblings to play with, but for my mother it was stressful and she worried constantly. When my father's tour of duty ended and our plane landed at the Air Force Base in South Carolina, we stepped out the door and onto the staircase, and as I drew American air into my lungs, I will never forget how clean and good it smelled--how fresh it was! This is something that anyone who has traveled for a time or lived in third-world countries will understand with breathtaking clarity.
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