Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12
Beatrice Bergér Gee (3 Free Arrangements)
bachelor degree in Music performance (U of A) , opera school and conducting minor (peter Cornelius Conservatory, mainz Germany) , graduate work in Vocal pedagogy (BYU), 30+ years as professional singer, vocal coach and choral condoctor. Arranging and composing a little bit for 15 years.
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Visit Beatrice Bergér Gee's website if you'd like to see his/her site.
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See composer song statistics here.
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SA, SSA, Cello…, Duet, Piano…, Trio, Viola, Violin…, Vocal Solo…, Vocal Solo…, Young Women…
Beatrice Bergér Gee
Vocal Solo…, Vocal Solo…, Atonement…, Children's Songs, Christ, Christmas, Comfort…, Earth/Nature, Easter, Gratitude…, Hope, Instrumental Music…, Light/Sun, Lullabies, Nature, Peace, Praise, Savior…, Testimony, Worship, Choir with…, Choir with…, Medley, Round, Women Unison
Piano…, Vocal Solo…
Beatrice Bergér Gee
Vocal Solo…, Atonement…, Christ, Christmas, Comfort…, Commandments, Courage, Creation…, Creator, Death/Funeral, Earth/Nature, Easter, Eternal Life…, Fatherhood…, Forgiveness, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heaven…, Heavenly Father, Holy…, Hope, Humility/Meekness, Individual Worth…, Knowledge/Truth, Love, Meditation, Motivation, Music and…, Peace, Plan of…, Repentance, Restoration, Resurrection, Sacrifice, Savior…, Worship, Instrumental…

SSA, 2 part…, Piano…, Viola, Vocal Solo…, Vocal Solo…, Young Women…
Beatrice Bergér Gee
Vocal Solo…, Vocal Solo…, Agency…, Atonement…, Baptism, Blessings, Children, Children's Songs, Christ, Christmas, Comfort…, Commandments, Compassion, Consecration, Death/Funeral, Earth/Nature, Easter, Encouragement, Eternal Life…, Faith, Family, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heaven…, Heavenly Father, Home/Family, Hope, Individual Worth…, Instrumental Music…, Kindness, Learning, Light/Sun, Love, Lullabies, Nature, Obedience…, Peace, Plan of…, Praise, Prayer, Repentance, Savior…, Testimony, Trust in…, Worship, Cello, Choir with…, Choir with…, Hymn Arrangements, Medley, Round, Violin