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More about Beatrice Bergér Gee:
bachelor degree in Music performance (U of A) , opera school and conducting minor (peter Cornelius Conservatory, mainz Germany) , graduate work in Vocal pedagogy (BYU), 30+ years as professional singer, vocal coach and choral condoctor. Arranging and composing a little bit for 15 years.
This is my story how I received the inspiration for the music to the poem: His beautiful Son. On December 26th, 2020, early in the morning I read Steve's Facebook post and poem. I was so touched by that I instantly, heard a melody in my head and sang it. Later during the day I sang it for my husband. He liked it, so I called Steve and asked him if I could try to write the music for the poem. He was surprised and happily gave me permission to do so. The melody has never left me since. 2021 was not an easy year. However next to many natural disasters, great personal sickness and loss of loved ones it became a year of great creative inspirations for me. The rest of the melody came to me in the night of February 13th 2021. I was woken up in the middle of the night by the wind and wind chime sounds around our house. I went to my studio and keyboard. I was very moved and started notating what I heard. Due to the process of correctly notating music I decided to get help. I was so grateful to the spiritual and emotional impact Steve's poem had on me that I wanted to give him the song as a gift of great gratitude. I contacted the great musician Peer Kleinschmidt from Berlin on May 31st. I asked Peer to help me notate and arrange the song for piano and voice. I emailed him all my files and 6 weeks later Peer send me his final version. I was very touched how much in "sync" from my original inspiration this was. However, after talking and presenting it to Steve more changes needed to be done. So I continued working at it. Then, finally, end of August, while working with my pianist Lois Waldman I was able to finish the "current" version. The notated, print form was finalized on September 9th 2022 and is now ready to share with the world and anyone who wants to hear, sing or play it themselves. The poem and the music have testified to me the reality of my Savior Jesus Christ. During the night of February 13th, 2021, I received the strongest personal testimony of Jesus as my Lord and Savior that I've ever had until that day. The spirit that I felt that night is indescribable. It moved every part of me. I felt a presence of another spirit in my room. I felt Jesus telling me that my sins were forgiven, that he died also, yes, also for me. I felt an incredible peace and joy like never before. I was born again. Those feelings have never fully left me since and come strongly back whenever I sing the song. It has become part of my testimony for my dear Savior Jesus Christ, whose spirit I strongly felt during the night on February 13th 2021. I feel it every time I sing it and especially whenever I am pondering and meditating on Steve's poem. THANK YOU STEVE AND THANK YOU MY DEAR LORD JESUS!
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Dec 25th, 2020.
A song inspired by the beautiful poem by Steve Rich.
Music by Beatrice Bergér Gee & Peer Kleinschmidt.
Vocals: Beatrice Bergér Gee.
Piano: Lois Waldman
World-Premiere and Live recording during the LDS Bonneville Stake Women's conference, Salt Lake City, Utah 09/10/2022
I've struggled both to understand, and say, the love due One whose soul IS love, alone.
Whose Love we faintly feel each Sabbath day, Who could have justly left us - on our own.
The most beautiful heart, on that beautiful day.
Sent His beautiful Son, here, to drive death away.
And that beautiful feeling's the one that we feel
When we know that His love and love's beauty are real.
Verse 2
I have tried hard, in my way, to understand
Just how He found love's path in every choice.
He took no heed what darkness had to say
But saw His Father's works and heard His voice.
The most beautiful heart, on that beautiful day.
Sent His beautiful Son here, to drive death away.
And that beautiful feeling's the one that we feel
When, when we know that His love and love's power are real.
Once, a sweet baby boy fled a cruel, vicious king, Who shared no Angel's Joy,
Who heard no angels sing. Joseph and Mary's lad, finding His Father's Way,
Grew tall, favored, and wise. Loved to learn, ponder, pray.
And all the starry heavens, He sustains
As Light and Life and Savior of those spheres.
Our Shepherd knows and guards each soul by name.
He died as only Holy Shepherds dare.
So, His Father's pure heart on His Son's Mighty Day,
Watched in grief, then great Joy, as He drove death away,
Rising up from the tomb! None so Living as He!
Crushing both death and hell ,in His sweet Victory!
Outro: He says, If it's not love, let it go. Choose again.
Only love lives so strong it can die, but remain
I have shown you the Way!
Do your life like to Me!
So, our two loves, together, make YOUR victory