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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Sherri Boekweg!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB

We also have other 3 arrangements of "Lift Up Your Voice and Sing".

See more from Sherri Boekweg.

Related song categories are:
Children's Songs
Music and Song (topic)
Choir with Congregation together in certain spots

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More about Sherri Boekweg:
Music has always been a special part of my life. I grew up in a musical family, and we often sang together. I love to sing and write songs. I wrote my first song when I was fifteen years old, and I have been writing songs ever since. My songs come from my heart and reflect my testimony and love of Jesus Christ and his restored gospel. I have also written many other songs about things that are special to me. I love sharing my music with others who appreciate it, and I have enjoyed creating arrangements to be performed by my ward choir. I especially love creating song videos for my songs that I have been sharing on my Sherri Boekweg Music YouTube channel.
Song background:

This is a delightful partner song that combines the joyful song "Lift Up Your Voice and Sing" with a song I created called "The Song of the Righteous. It is a fairly simple arrangement that includes 2-part and unison choir on the verses with SATB on the chorus, and then having the choir and congregation sing together on unison on "Lift Up Your Voice" with the choir ending with a final repetition of the chorus in parts. I wrote this arrangement for my ward choir to sing for a special program that we presented about music and the blessings of singing in the choir. Practice videos are available for each part by sending me a request at sherriboekwegmusic@gmail.com.

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