Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12
Amanda Christensen (9 Free Arrangements)
I studied piano and choir at BYU-Idaho and continue performing and composing here in Plano, TX.
Contact Amanda Christensen if you'd like to send a personal note.
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Contact Amanda Christensen if you'd like to send a personal note.
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Amanda Christensen
Activation…, Adversity, Agency…, Atonement…, Christ, Comfort…, Consecration, Diligence…, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Fellowship, Gathering of…, Happiness…, Heaven…, Heavenly Father, Hope, Israel, Judging/Justice, Kindness, Knowledge/Truth, Leadership/Shepherd, Learning, Love, Miracles, Missionary Work, Motivation, Peace, Pioneers, Praise, Prayer, Preparedness, Priesthood, Prophets, Restoration, Resurrection, Revelation, Reverence, Righteousness…, Sacrifice, Savior…, Second Coming…, Self-Improvement, Self-control, Service, Spirit, Strength, Supplication, Temple, Temptation, Testimony, Trials, Trust in…, Truth…, Unity, Work, Worship, Worthiness, Zion

Piano Solo
Amanda Christensen
Baptism, Children, Children's Songs, Christ, Commandments, Compassion, Diligence…, Eternal Life…, Example, Faith, Family, Guidance, Heaven…, Heavenly Father, Home/Family, Hope, Knowledge/Truth, Learning, Light/Sun, Love, Plan of…, Savior…, Spirit, Teaching…, Trust in…, Unity, Languages, Primary Song…, Simplified Arrangement…

Amanda Christensen
Children, Children's Songs, Christ, Christmas, Faith, Savior…

Piano Solo
Amanda Christensen
Aaronic Priesthood, Agency…, Baptism, Blessings, Chastity/Purity, Children, Children's Songs, Christ, Comfort…, Commandments, Compassion, Consecration, Death/Funeral, Earth/Nature, Encouragement, Eternal Life…, Faith, Family, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heaven…, Heavenly Father, Holy…, Home/Family, Hope, Individual Worth…, Kindness, Learning, Light/Sun, Love, Lullabies, Obedience…, Plan of…, Prayer, Preparedness, Repentance, Righteousness…, Self-Improvement, Trust in…, Worship, Worthiness, Hymn Arrangements, Languages, Simplified Arrangement…

Guitar, Guitar Chords…, Hand…, Ukulele
Amanda Christensen
Aaronic Priesthood, Agency…, Atonement…, Baptism, Blessings, Charity, Chastity/Purity, Children, Children's Songs, Christ, Christmas, Comfort…, Commandments, Compassion, Consecration, Courage, Death/Funeral, Depression…, Diligence…, Duty, Earth/Nature, Easter, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Example, Faith, Family, Fatherhood…, Forgiveness, Friend/Friendship, Genealogy…, Goals, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heaven…, Heavenly Father, Holy…, Home/Family, Honesty/Integrity, Hope, Individual Worth…, Instrumental Music…, Kindness, Knowledge/Truth, Leadership/Shepherd, Learning, Light/Sun, Love, Lullabies, Marriage/Wedding, Missionary Work, Motherhood…, Motivation, Music and…, Nature, Obedience…, Peace, Pioneers, Plan of…, Praise, Prayer, Preparedness, Prophets, Repentance, Righteousness…, Sabbath, Savior…, Scriptures…, Self-Improvement, Self-control, Service, Supplication, Talents, Temple, Testimony, Trust in…, Truth…, Welfare, Work, Worship, Worthiness, Book of…, Harp, Languages, Piano, Simplified Arrangement…

SA, SAA, SAB, SATB, SSA, TB, 2 part…, Duet, Primary…, Trio, Vocal Solo
Amanda Christensen
Activation…, Adversity, Agency…, Atonement…, Baptism, Birthday, Blessings, Book of…, Charity, Children, Children's Songs, Christ, Comfort…, Consecration, Courage, Creator, Death/Funeral, Dedication of…, Depression…, Diligence…, EFY style…, Earth/Nature, Easter, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Farewell, Fatherhood…, Fellowship, Friend/Friendship, Gathering of…, Goals, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heaven…, Heavenly Father, Holy…, Hope, Humility/Meekness, Individual Worth…, Joseph Smith, Knowledge/Truth, Learning, Light/Sun, Love, Lullabies, Marriage/Wedding, Meditation, Miracles, Missionary Work, Motherhood…, Motivation, Music and…, Nature, New Year, Obedience…, Patience, Peace, Pioneers, Plan of…, Praise, Prayer, Relief Society…, Remember…, Repentance, Restoration, Resurrection, Revelation, Reverence, Righteousness…, Sabbath, Savior…, Self-Improvement, Self-control, Spirit, Strength, Supplication, Temperance, Temple, Testimony, Trials, Trust in…, Truth…, Unity, Virtue/Chastity, Worship, Worthiness, Youth…, Zion, Stand in…, Women Unison, Youth Choir

Amanda Christensen
Atonement…, Charity, Children, Children's Songs, Christ, Comfort…, Commandments, Compassion, Creator, Earth/Nature, Easter, Faith, Family, Happiness…, Heaven…, Heavenly Father, Instrumental Music…, Miracles, Remember…, Resurrection, Savior…, Second Coming…, Service