Welcome to our yearly Sacred Sheet Music Competition!
Many composers have worked hard and submitted some great songs for public voting/feedback in our competition.
Now you get the chance to vote for them. Please check out the songs below and give them a rating.
Competition this year is sponsored by an Tranquility trails a place to stay in the heart of utah's national parks and Lake Powell.
Feel free to vote for as many different songs as you'd like! Also if you'd like to leave detailed reviews for all of them, contact us we may be able to pay you a small sum.You can also invite your facebook family and friends to vote by going to the song page and leaving a facebook comment on the left side column to post it on your facebook wall.
Each song accrues points as it receives votes. You can vote for each song once.
Happy voting! (Click on the songs below to be able to rate each one.) You may be able to still enter the competition if you want, too. You can see current results here.