Comments for this piece:
From Gill Rutter: Lovely song!
5.0 stars.
More about Claire Chell:
I have always loved music, sacred music especially, even from a young age. I taught myself to play the piano using showtunes and the LDS Hymnbook and Children's Songbook. Janice Kapp Perry is my hero! Despite my love of music, I've always been terrified to perform and a few horrifying experiences in my early youth caused me to set aside playing the piano; I'd lost my love for it. Fast forward many years and I am now, with my husband, raising 3 gorgeous girlies, who like mama, also love music. We were fortunate enough to save a lot of money during the COVID19 pandemic due to not buying fuel for the cars, that we were able to afford a digital piano. I returned to teaching myself to play and I've been studying music theory alongside it. I then discovered music writing software! Now I thought maybe, just maybe, I could write a song. My second daughter's baptism was approaching and this seemed the perfect opportunity to try. God evidently thought so too because words and melody came to me as I was enjoying a swim one day soon after. My daughter and I even performed it at her baptism which was a huge deal for us, both being very shy performers. I have discovered an absolute love for writing music, and sharing it has been a way for me to share my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ and connect with other people across the world. I have Instagram account if you’d like to follow my musical journey: clairechell_music
*EDIT NOV 2024* Many thanks to those who gave such thoughtful feedback on this song during the 2024 competition. I have made changes based on feedback and hope that it is better than before.
Who do we look to for peace and hope and answers? Who do we look to to save us from our sins? Who do we follow to get back to the Father? Jesus is the answer!
I am currently the primary music leader in my ward. It's my most favourite calling. As I prepared for the coming year (Book of Mormon, 2024) I was reminded of one of my favourite scriptures:
"And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins." 2 Nephi 2:26.
I just knew we needed a song in our primary to remind us who the focus of our faith, talk and rejoicing is. It a song that reminds us who we need to look to, to answer all our questions and lead us home back to Heavenly Father. It is a reminder that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ.
Although this is intended for primary, it would be lovely as a youth song also.

Lyrics: We Look to Christ
We talk of Christ in our homes and in our churches.
We preach of Christ so that all may come to know Him.
We rejoice in Christ and the gift of His Atonement.
We prophesy, and testify of Him!
Who do we look to for peace and hope and answers?
(We look to Christ!)
Who do we look to, to save us from our sins?
(We look to Christ!)
Who do we follow to get back to the Father?
Jesus is the answer!
Christ is The Way; our faith in Him will grow,
As we talk of Christ and share what we know.
We know to look to Christ.
We learn of Christ on ev'ry page of scripture.
We serve like Christ with each simple act of kindness.
We obey like Christ with each cov'nant made and honoured.
We learn of Christ, and strive to be like Him!
Who do we look to for peace and hope and answers?
(We look to Christ!)
Who do we look to, to save us from our sins?
(We look to Christ!)
Who do we follow to get back to the Father?
Jesus is the answer!
Christ is The Way; our faith in Him will grow,
As we talk of Christ and share what we know.
We know to look to Christ.
Believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God
And worship the Father in His name
Who do we look to for peace and hope and answers?
(We look to Christ!)
Who do we look to, to save us from our sins?
(We look to Christ!)
Who do we follow to get back to the Father?
Jesus is the answer!
Christ is The Way; our faith in Him will grow,
As we talk of Christ and share what we know.
We know to look to Christ.
We must look to Christ.