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More about Kenneth R Hardman:
Kenneth R Hardman is a singer songwriter, engineer, father of eight, guitar player, writer, and believer in Jesus Christ.
Song background:

Revised 3/3/2025

Rescue of the Handcart Saints and the family of God

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Lyrics: 1. Handcart saints who crossed the plains through snow and wind and dreams,
Mid trials of faith and frozen tears drew back from icy streams.
With broken hearts they faced their fears in faith called out His name.
Then Heaven spoke, the call was heard, the rescuers, they came.

2. Pioneers were temple bound each family to be sealed,
But some grew ill in bitter chill not everyone was healed.
Beloved dead were laid to rest, for now in shallow grave.
Till gathered in the house of God, came rescuers to save.

3. Now today my goal’s the same I live for Zion’s dream,
As perils rage and hearts yet fail I ask him to redeem.
In temples I make covenants I put on Christ with care.
Then in His name I oft return, to rescue others there.

He rescues me, with work and faith let God prevail.
He carries me, as I give my all, I know
He atoned for me, and oh what joy will fill my heart, when
He rescues me and gathers safely home.

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