Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12

We will be holding the annual "Sacred Sheet Music Competition"!  Please join us; submit a song! It's a fun chance to participate in the community and get (and leave) some feedback on your songs, polish them up!  Entry is free! 

Sheet Music Competition (from Oct 16 to Oct 30 2024).

There will be 2 prizes awarded in 2 different categories this year.  The two categories will be "open vote" (most votes) but separately a "highest reviewed" category (votes by peers and judges).  Think of this as a chance to get feedback from other musicians and also the possibility of some publicity for your pieces.  There will be $30 for the winner in each category and $15 for second place.


The prize winners for the "open vote" category will be determined by sum of online votes (online voters will be allowed to vote "at most once" per piece per household for the whole competition).  So tell all your friends to check out (and vote for) your music once the competition starts :)  Don't get too concerned about the popularity contest, though -- think of the competition as more of a chance to showcase your music and get composer feedback.  Your friends can leave feedback/ratings too. We also sometimes try and employ a couple of "pro's" to leave feedback, as well (I asked the church and they said you can get feedback from pro's, you just can't pay them to "write or revise it for you" as it were).

A web page will be created displaying the winners and advertised at the top of the site for a full month after the competition ends.  Free publicity for winners :)

The reason for the competition is to provide a venue for composers to get feedback on their work, and to attract more composers/viewers to the site (we were impressed and very thankful for the participation in previous years!).

Fill out this form if you want to receive a email reminders as we approach competition dates.  Look forward to hearing from you there.

How to submit:

Can enter up to 2 pieces.  Submissions are being accepted anytime before the competition starts (and up to 24 hours after). Submit your entries by creating an account then adding the song to our site, then email us a link to your new song, to rogerdpack@gmail.com.  Our USPS mailing address, just email us for our address--if you go that route please submit it early so we have extra time to scan it.). It's typically "nice" to submit an mp3 recording of your song (so people can follow along as they read the music) even if its just a "midi" based recording, but we can provide one for you if desired and you ask us to.  Digital recordings are ok.  You can also submit a youtube url if you happen to have one.  A description of what "inspired" each song is also helpful, as well as author bio.  Each composer can submit up to the specified number of works, any genre (Christmas is ok, old previously published pieces are ok, piano solo is ok, original sacred pieces are ok, older previously published pieces are ok, writing new music to an existing song (and vice versa) is ok, etc. :)  You can participate in the competition without living in Utah, it's all online :)

One reason this competition may be helpful is as a testing/feedback board for pieces you plan to submit to the (unrelated) church music submission competition, which usually occurs subduing after.  For example, you could submit your piece here, get feedback on it, then submit it again to the church's competition after you've had the chance to work on it based on feedback .  You don't have to submit your piece to the church's competition, of course (though some pieces from this competition have also fared well there).  You can even submit pieces here that you've previously submitted there, or pieces that are years old, to this one :)  You retain the copyright of your piece, but we would be thrilled if you would allow us to continue to post your (free) music here after the competition ends, as well (and of course any other pieces you might have--we love to get more music!)

Also we love to publish other songs or arrangements you've ever made(any of them!) so that more people can benefit.

Rules and Regulations/Questions:

One piece (or one person) can win at most one prize (even if it deserves to win more than one) so that we can give more prizes out to more people and "share the love."

You can submit anytime.  It can be songs you already have, or new pieces.

Hand written manuscripts are ok if you haven't entered it into the computer (just scan it or mail us a copy).

You should submit songs that you have the right to publish and intend to publish for free, at some point, later.

All songs submitted will be downloadable by the general public for the duration of the competition and for the month afterwards for the winners.

If you submit music, we ask you to also review/leave detailed feedback on six (6) other pieces once the competition starts (or feel free to review all of them if you have time, we might even pay you to do so, ask us).   If you submit 2 pieces, then please review 12 other pieces.  Typically feedback includes a few positive comments, and then a comment on how the other piece could be improved, from your perspective.  You don't have to give a "star" rating if you don't want to (though the "highest reviewed" competition will be based, in the end, on the average of scores).

You can submit a song "late", however it won't be able to win the "highest review" prize since it might not get as many voters looking at it.

"Peer reviewed" ratings for this means all reviews of length 100 or more (real reviews, not just "awesome job") :)

That's about it! Email us if you have any questions.  Look forward to hearing from you and seeing your pieces.

-Musically yours, the Packs-

Any other Questions? Comments?

Please Email us!