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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Amanda Christensen!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Primary Children/Primary Solo
See more from Amanda Christensen.
Comments for this piece:
From g: Hey I found this song here: https://www.beckenhorstpress.com/christmas-alphabet/
5.0 stars.
More about Amanda Christensen:
I studied piano and choir at BYU-Idaho and continue performing and composing here in Plano, TX.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Amanda Christensen!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Primary Children/Primary Solo
See more from Amanda Christensen.
Comments for this piece:
From g: Hey I found this song here: https://www.beckenhorstpress.com/christmas-alphabet/
5.0 stars.
More about Amanda Christensen:
I studied piano and choir at BYU-Idaho and continue performing and composing here in Plano, TX.
Song background:
You can also visit the author's original page
for this piece (opens in a new window).Cindy Tanner was my favorite primary chorister when I was a little girl. She taught us this sweet little song for Christmas one year and I carried it with me.
However, I have not been able to find the music or composer of this song. So I wrote up a little arrangement based on what I could remember. It is such a sweet little song. Even the nursery children love to sing it.
If you happen to know the composer or where to find the music, please share below in the comments so I can give the credit to the right person. *UPDATE: Thanks to ggreeninger for finding the original music (which is much better than mine, but you have to admit I did pretty good for remembering a song from childhood!).
You can also bookmark/save this song arrangement to your personal sacredsheetmusic bookmark save list.

Lyrics: A is for the angels singing thru the night
B is for the baby boy
C is Christ our Savior, born to bring us joy
D is David's village where he's born Christmas night.
E is his eternal everlasting word
F is for forgiveness pure
G is for God's grace, and
H a hope secure
I is I recieve Him as my king and my Lord.
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