Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12
Summer Decker Nelson (14 Free Arrangements)
I've been playing piano since 1985 and it has always been a passion and outlet for me. And aside from a song just sounding pretty, it needs to feel right when I play. I enjoy songs that flow and have movement, and I really love songs that are peaceful and calm. It had been a great experience for me to start doing compositions.
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See composer song statistics here.
Visit Summer Decker Nelson's website if you'd like to see his/her site.
Contact Summer Decker Nelson if you'd like to send a personal note.
See composer song statistics here.
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Piano Prelude…, Piano Solo
Summer Decker Nelson
Atonement…, Christ, Comfort…, Faith, Hope, Peace, Prayer, Trust in…

Piano Prelude…, Piano Solo
Summer Decker Nelson
Agency…, Atonement…, Baptism, Blessings, Children, Children's Songs, Christ, Comfort…, Commandments, Compassion, Consecration, Courage, Death/Funeral, Diligence…, Encouragement, Eternal Life…, Example, Faith, Family, Friend/Friendship, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heaven…, Heavenly Father, Home/Family, Hope, Individual Worth…, Kindness, Knowledge/Truth, Learning, Light/Sun, Love, Lullabies, Obedience…, Plan of…, Prayer, Repentance, Savior…, Service, Spirit, Teaching…, Trust in…, Unity, Worship, Youth…, Medley

Piano Prelude…, Piano Solo
Summer Decker Nelson
Atonement…, Christ, Comfort…, Courage, Diligence…, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Faith, Gathering of…, Happiness…, Heaven…, Hope, Israel, Love, Missionary Work, Motivation, Obedience…, Plan of…, Praise, Preparedness, Savior…, Second Coming…, Worship, Zion

Piano Prelude…, Piano Solo
Summer Decker Nelson
Atonement…, Christ, Comfort…, Diligence…, Easter, Eternal Life…, Faith, Gospel, Heaven…, Hope, Humility/Meekness, Love, Obedience…, Peace, Plan of…, Repentance, Resurrection, Sacrament, Sacrifice, Supplication, Trust in…, Worship

Viola, Violin…
Summer Decker Nelson
Atonement…, Christ, Comfort…, Diligence…, Easter, Eternal Life…, Faith, Gospel, Heaven…, Hope, Humility/Meekness, Love, Obedience…, Peace, Plan of…, Repentance, Resurrection, Sacrament, Sacrifice, Supplication, Trust in…, Worship, Piano