Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12
Stacey Oakes (5 Free Arrangements)
Stacey has been writing and performing music for over 30 years and plays instruments like piano, guitar, flute, oboe, clarinet, ukulele, and banjo! She has performed across the intermountain west and has recorded in Nashville.
Stacey is happy to take requests for arrangements and new songs.
Visit Stacey Oakes's website if you'd like to see his/her site.
Contact Stacey Oakes if you'd like to send a personal note.
See composer song statistics here.
Visit Stacey Oakes's website if you'd like to see his/her site.
Contact Stacey Oakes if you'd like to send a personal note.
See composer song statistics here.
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Stacey Oakes
Vocal Solo…, Vocal Solo…, Agency…, Baptism, Blessings, Children, Children's Songs, Christ, Comfort…, Commandments, Compassion, Consecration, Death/Funeral, Encouragement, Eternal Life…, Faith, Family, Gospel, Gratitude…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heaven…, Heavenly Father, Home/Family, Hope, Individual Worth…, Kindness, Learning, Love, Lullabies, Obedience…, Plan of…, Prayer, Repentance, Trust in…, Worship, Choir with…, Choir with…, Flute…, Includes Vocal…, Primary with…, Simplified Arrangement…, Violin…, Women Unison

Stacey Oakes
Baptism, Brotherhood, Charity, Children, Children's Songs, Christ, Christmas, Closing, Commandments, Compassion, Duty, Family, Fellowship, Forgiveness, Gathering of…, Genealogy…, Gratitude…, Heavenly Father, Love, Lullabies, Prayer, Repentance, Restoration, Savior…, Choir with…, Choir with…, Primary with…