Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12
David J. Conway (17 Free Arrangements)
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SATB, Piano Solo
David J. Conway
Brotherhood, Charity, Children, Comfort…, Commandments, Compassion, Courage, Death/Funeral, Diligence…, Duty, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Eternal Life…, Faith, Family, Fellowship, Forgiveness, Friend/Friendship, Genealogy…, Goals, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Honesty/Integrity, Hope, Individual Worth…, Judging/Justice, Kindness, Knowledge/Truth, Learning, Love, Miracles, Morality, Motivation, Patience, Plan of…, Prayer, Repentance, Revelation, Righteousness…, Self-Improvement, Spirit, Testimony, Trials

Piano Solo, Vocal Solo
David J. Conway
Comfort…, Compassion, Courage, Duty, Encouragement, Enthusiasm, Example, Faith, Family, Fellowship, Genealogy…, Goals, Home/Family, Humility/Meekness, Kindness, Knowledge/Truth, Learning, Love, Marriage/Wedding, Motherhood…, Patience, Praise, Prayer, Preparedness, Remember…, Revelation, Reverence, Righteousness…, Sacrifice, Self-Improvement, Service, Strength, Teaching…, Testimony, Trust in…, Truth…, Unity, Virtue/Chastity, Worthiness

Piano Solo, Primary…
David J. Conway
Children, Family, Happiness…, Lullabies, Moderation, Reverence, Strength, Trials, Trust in…

SATB, Piano Solo
David J. Conway
Blessings, Book of…, Brotherhood, Charity, Compassion, Consecration, Courage, Duty, Encouragement, Example, Faith, Gratitude…, Hope, Joseph Smith, Kindness, Knowledge/Truth, Learning, Love, Miracles, Motivation, Praise, Prayer, Preparedness, Restoration, Revelation, Sacrifice, Service, Testimony, Trials, Work, Worship