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Voicing/Instrumentation: SA, SSA, Cello Duet/Cello Ensemble Member(s), Duet, Piano Duet/Piano Ensemble, Trio, Viola, Violin Duet/Violin Ensemble Member(s), Young Women Voices
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Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice
Children's Songs
Instrumental Music or New Age
Savior/Jesus Christ
Choir with Congregation together in certain spots
Choir with Soloist or Optional Soloist
Women Unison
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More about Beatrice Bergér Gee:
bachelor degree in Music performance (U of A) , opera school and conducting minor (peter Cornelius Conservatory, mainz Germany) , graduate work in Vocal pedagogy (BYU), 30+ years as professional singer, vocal coach and choral condoctor. Arranging and composing a little bit for 15 years.
Quodlibet; Beautiful Savior/I am a child of God/ A great work/You've got Jesus
Right after my stakes Spring conference I was asked to be in charge of the music at our Fall Stake women conference. I was very excited, honored, and challenged at the same time. Theme of the conference was supposed to be: Sisterhood for all seasons. During my morning study which usually is praying and reading in the scriptures, I received a flood of inspiration. I felt inspired to bring together the divers sisters in my stake, with their talents and needs. By choosing the songs, I wanted to draw them closer to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I arranged a Quodlibet (musical composition in which several well-known melodies are combined.) I took three well known Church songs, plus a composition of a simple hymn I had received at that time. I chose four of my stakes best singers as soloists(SS, MS, Alto), then a women choir, 3 fine string players (Violin, Viola & Cello) plus a wonderful pianist and arranged the piece. We rehearsed once before the conference and then during the conference. At the end of the conference we performed it. It included a part for the congregation (all women attending conference ) joining in the music. It turned out to be a synergistic spiritual, joyous and uplifting experience for everyone. Bonneville Women's Flash Choir written for the Bonneville Women Stake Conference 10/11/2022. Quodlibet: "I am a Child of God, You've got Jesus, Beautiful Savior and a Great Work" Lyrics: Naomie Randall/Beatrice Bergér Gee,/Anon/Nick Day/ Music: M Tanner Petit/Silesian Folksong/B. Bergér Gee/N. Day. Arrangement by B. Bergér Gee Soloists: Juliet Peacock-Chapman, Chloe Mizantzidi, Cherie Willis, Aleta Marie Tew, Lindsay Monson (Violin), Melissa Rowe (Viola), Rebekah Jordan (Cello), Mara Luker (Piano) & B. Bergér Gee (conductor). I am very grateful for our sound technician Michael Sorenson who also filmed this clip on his phone .”
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