Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12
Murry Jensen (8 Free Arrangements)
Computer programmer. Music degree from Long Beach and BYU. I perform at senior centers and rest homes. Guitar, piano, banjo, trumpet and I....yodel.
I have arranged church music for choirs for several years in my spare time. Now retired, I have time to go back and do them right. I hope someone finds joy in what I have done. the world needs more beautiful music.
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Contact Murry Jensen if you'd like to send a personal note.
See composer song statistics here.
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Murry Jensen
Adversity, Atonement…, Charity, Christ, Comfort…, Compassion, Depression…, Encouragement, Faith, Friend/Friendship, Guidance, Happiness…, Holy…, Hope, Humility/Meekness, Kindness, Love, Motivation, Patience, Peace, Prayer, Savior…, Sorrow, Strength, Supplication, Trials

Murry Jensen
Adversity, Atonement…, Blessings, Charity, Christ, Comfort…, Compassion, Duty, Easter, Example, Faith, Forgiveness, Gathering of…, Guidance, Happiness…, Heavenly Father, Holy…, Hope, Individual Worth…, Kindness, Leadership/Shepherd, Light/Sun, Love, Missionary Work, Peace, Plan of…, Relief Society…, Resurrection, Savior…, Service, Testimony

SATB, Primary…
Murry Jensen
Atonement…, Charity, Children, Children's Songs, Christ, Comfort…, Commandments, Compassion, Creator, Earth/Nature, Easter, Faith, Family, Happiness…, Heaven…, Heavenly Father, Instrumental Music…, Miracles, Remember…, Resurrection, Savior…, Second Coming…, Service, Primary with…