Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12
Freeldssheetmusic.org composer individual song stats: Composer: Murry Jensen Total views of songs: 1268 Total pdf views/downloads: 260Individual song statistics for this composer
Name Page Views PDF Downloads Site Referrals (if applicable) How Dear To God Are Little Children 205 66 Joseph Smith's First Prayer 121 24 When He Comes Again/I Wonder When He Comes Again 359 56 Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy 164 39 With Wondering Awe 137 19 Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise 61 17 For the Beauty of the Earth 103 19 As the Shadows Fall-Our Savior's Love-Where Can I Turn for Peace? 118 20