Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12
Barbara Walbrecht (1 Free Arrangements)
Piano Prelude…, Piano Solo
Barbara Walbrecht
Adversity, Atonement…, Book of…, Brotherhood, Charity, Christ, Comfort…, Compassion, Consecration, Courage, Death/Funeral, Duty, Eternal Life…, Example, Faith, Fellowship, Friend/Friendship, Gathering of…, Gospel, Heavenly Father, Joseph Smith, Kindness, Knowledge/Truth, Light/Sun, Miracles, Missionary Work, Parables, Peace, Pioneers, Praise, Prayer, Priesthood, Prophets, Restoration, Revelation, Righteousness…, Sacrifice, Savior…, Service, Strength, Supplication, Testimony, Trials, Trust in…, Truth…, Languages, Medley