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Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12


Katie (12 Free Arrangements)

I am someone who has always been moved and inspired by music, and It is through music that I most often feel the spirit. I started writing music, in an extremely raw fashion of pencil notes on paper, about 5 years ago. It felt incredibly surreal to be able to attempt to immortalise the melodies and words that so often flowed through my mind. Being able to create the music i have made, has been a wonderful and challenging experience for me, and has gotten me through some particularly hard seasons in my life. I found that as i allowed myself to write, the spirit would flow, and helped me to be brave enough to let out the things i was feeling. Music continues to bless my life, and my family's life. I hope that my music will also bless the lives of others. I am a mother of three incredible children, and have a wonderful husband who continues to support my musical journey. I am one of 5 children, the only girl! And i have two amazing parents who have raised me in these gospel truths that i write melodies about.
Contact Katie if you'd like to send a personal note.
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