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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Tami Creamer!

Voicing/Instrumentation: Primary Children/Primary Solo

We also have other 12 arrangements of "I Know That My Savior Loves Me".

See more from Tami Creamer.

Visit composer's personal website.
See more from Church Publications.

Related song categories are:
Aaronic Priesthood
Plan of Salvation/Premortal Life
Savior/Jesus Christ
Trust in God

Comments for this piece:
From Denise: A couple of years ago, our Stake Primary Presidency/Stake Presidency wanted the stake children to do music for stake conference. It was decided that several songs would be used for prelude and that all senior children would need to practice them in Primary so they would be ready for conference. This was one of the songs. As a chorister, and I don't think I'm alone in this thought, we never have as much time to do all the beautiful and fun Primary songs as it is, so I was not pleased with the request. That is until I listened to and learned the song. I'm a lifelong member in my 50's - many years of singing Primary song, and this has become my favorite. I'm not generally emotional, but I tear/choke up regularly with this song. One Youtube video in particular makes me cry each time as well. Thank you SO much for such a beautiful song. I love it.
5.0 stars.

From Carla Erb: So love this song. Allan and I are headed to the Czech Republic. I am taking this music with me so I can share it with the people of the Czech Republic and with the Ukrainian refugees we will be coming in contact with. See you at choir when I return. Carla Erb
5.0 stars.

From Carla Erb: So love this song. Allan and I are headed to the Czech Republic. I am taking this music with me so I can share it with the people of the Czech Republic and with the Ukrainian refugees we will be coming in contact with. See you at choir when I return. Carla Erb
5.0 stars.

More about Church Publications:
These are works that were published at some point in the Ensign, Friend, or New Era, or other church publication, by selected composers.
Song background:

I am Tami Creamer and I live in Washington Utah along with my husband, LaMar. We
have 5 children, 5 in-laws and 13 grandchildren! They are the cutest things ever. (Of course,
I’m not biased!) I have played the piano since I was 4 years old and wrote my first song at the
age of 10. I attended BYU where I was the accompanist for The Young Ambassadors and then
BYU-Hawaii, where I was the assistant director of their performing group, Showcase Hawaii. I
have recently returned to school and I’m attending Dixie State University in St. George Utah.
I’m a private piano teacher, composer and also perform with the pit Orchestra at Tuacahn
Outdoor Theater in Ivins, Utah. My family and I have lived numerous places around the world,
including most recently, the beautiful island of Guam.
While living in Ogden Valley in Utah about 14 years ago, I was asked to write a song for
a Primary Choir for our Stake Conference. They wanted a song about the Savior. As I thought
and prayed about this assignment, I decided to write a song about one of my favorite scripture
stories, 3 Nephi chapter 17, where Christ visits the American continent and blesses the little
children. This is such a tender story.
As I started writing, I was thinking about what a beautiful place those people of Nephi
were in, and how wonderful it must have been for them to see the Savior. What an amazing
experience for each of them, especially the little ones, as He let them sit on his knee and blessed
them and wept openly for them. Then as I was looking out my sunroom windows at the
beautiful valley we lived in, I realized that we are in as much of a beautiful place as they were,
and even though we can’t see the Savior face to face and have him minister to us and bless us,
He still does that through our loved ones. That was the basis for this song.
As I began writing, I realized that this was a much greater task than I had anticipated.
Some of my songs have come very fast, but this one took a lot of time. I think it was because I
knew that writing about the Savior had to be just right. It’s a very humbling task to write about
the Savior. Thank heavens I have a dear friend, Derena Bell, who has helped me with some of
the lyrics. She has such a beautiful way of expressing things and she has such an amazing
testimony. I couldn’t have done it without her. Believe it or not, it is also very hard to write a
children’s song. You want to get across a message that children can relate to, but you don’t want
it to be too simple or “cheesy”. As I continued to write, I felt the Spirit of my Heavenly Father
helping me in the whole process. How grateful I was for that.
In February of 2001, our Primary choir was able to sing it for Stake Conference and it
brought such a sweet spirit to the meeting. The children loved singing it. I decided to enter it
into the Church Music Competition that year, and won 1st place. That was an exciting thing for
me. Then a year later, I was contacted by The Friend magazine and was told that they wanted to
put it in there. That was even more thrilling! I had hoped that one day it would be in a Primary
program but never thought that day would come. In July of 2009, I received an email from a
friend, who’s husband was the Mission President in Guam. She had been to a Mission
President’s seminar in Korea where the Area President’s wife, Sister Evans, shared with her a
copy of the 2010 program. Sister Evans then asked, “Is this our Tami Creamer from Guam?”
Needless to say, when I found out, I was thrilled! And what an honor that it will be in the
Primary program again in 2015.
I am very humbled and grateful to have been an instrument in the Lord’s hands to be able
to put down on paper a song that children all over the world will sing. I pray that through this
song, they will be able to learn more about our Savior and His love for them.

Also published in the friend: http://www.lds.org/music/library/church-magazine-music-friend?lang=eng

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