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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Jan Welch!

Voicing/Instrumentation: Piano Solo

We also have other 45 arrangements of "Amazing Grace".

See more from Jan Welch.

Related song categories are:
Plan of Salvation/Premortal Life

Comments for this piece:
From Lisa M: A simple yet tender hymn to soothe the soul and bring the Spirit. Thank you kindly for sharing your composition and arranging talents, Jan!
5.0 stars.

From Doreen smyth: Thank you for sharing this beautiful arrangement
5.0 stars.

From Val: Thanks so much for sharing your talent,,, bless you
5.0 stars.

From Val: Thanks so much for sharing your talent,,, bless you
5.0 stars.

From Cherith18@hotmail.com: I love this arraignment (Amazing Grace). On a scale to 1-10, playing level, I might be a 4. I can play this song(after much practice) but unsure if I’m playing in right tempo. I wish I could hear this song played on the piano so I had a reference to go by. Anyway, thank you for making this arrangement available.
5.0 stars.

From Cherith18@hotmail.cim: Ok, now I feel stupid! I just saw where I can listen to this beautiful arrangement being played! Please disregard other comment from me. Except the part where I thank you! And I also thank you that I can listen to song as arranged.

From Cherith18@hotmail.cim: Ok, now I feel stupid! I just saw where I can listen to this beautiful arrangement being played! Please disregard other comment from me. Except the part where I thank you! And I also thank you that I can listen to song as arranged.

From Cherith18@hotmail.cim: Ok, now I feel stupid! I just saw where I can listen to this beautiful arrangement being played! Please disregard other comment from me. Except the part where I thank you! And I also thank you that I can listen to song as arranged.

From Matthew Davidson: I love this song as much as it is, but the way that this is composed is absolutely wonderful! I loved every single moment of this piece, praise God!
5.0 stars.

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