Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12
Melanie Davidson (1 Free Arrangements)
I live in Brigham City, UT with my husband and 4 fun kiddos. I teach piano and am just trying my hand at composing. Thanks for looking!
Contact Melanie Davidson if you'd like to send a personal note.
See composer song statistics here.
Contact Melanie Davidson if you'd like to send a personal note.
See composer song statistics here.

Melanie Davidson
Aaronic Priesthood, Activation…, Agency…, Atonement…, Christ, Comfort…, Commandments, Consecration, Courage, Diligence…, Encouragement, Faith, Farewell, Friend/Friendship, Gospel, Guidance, Knowledge/Truth, Love, Missionary Work, Morality, Obedience…, Preparedness, Priesthood, Sacrifice, Savior…, Self-Improvement, Self-control, Service, Strength, Supplication, Trust in…, Truth…, Medley, Simplified Arrangement…