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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Eliza Porter!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB
We also have other 4 arrangements of "We Are Sowing".
See more from Eliza Porter.
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More about Eliza Porter:
Music Ed BYU 1997-2001. I love writing new settings for hymns so the text can have a deeper emotional connection. I began with "We are Sowing" in 2019 and have continued to "Count your Blessings", "Scatter Sunshine" and others. I learn something new with every song I work on and hope you enjoy them too.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Eliza Porter!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB
We also have other 4 arrangements of "We Are Sowing".
See more from Eliza Porter.
Related song categories are:
Gathering of Israel
Missionary Work
Gathering of Israel
Missionary Work
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More about Eliza Porter:
Music Ed BYU 1997-2001. I love writing new settings for hymns so the text can have a deeper emotional connection. I began with "We are Sowing" in 2019 and have continued to "Count your Blessings", "Scatter Sunshine" and others. I learn something new with every song I work on and hope you enjoy them too.
Song background:
Sheet music playthrough video:
I enjoyed the text of the hymn "We are Sowing" but felt that the current hymn tune is jarring. I wrote this tune and collaborated with a friend on the accompaniment to showcase the text in a less distracting setting.
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