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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Dana Lyn Critchfield!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Primary Children/Primary Solo
See more from Dana Lyn Critchfield.
Comments for this piece:
From Ruth A.: This is so pretty. I can definitely see it being sung as part of an Easter program, either as a primary choir or as an alto or baritone solo.
5.0 stars.
More about Dana Lyn Critchfield:
Dana Lyn Critchfield is a military wife and mother of four children. She lives in Meridian, Idaho where she takes care of her family and enjoys playing music whenever she can.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Dana Lyn Critchfield!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Primary Children/Primary Solo
See more from Dana Lyn Critchfield.
Related song categories are:
Eternal Life/Exaltation
Heaven/Celestial Kingdom
Plan of Salvation/Premortal Life
Savior/Jesus Christ
Eternal Life/Exaltation
Heaven/Celestial Kingdom
Plan of Salvation/Premortal Life
Savior/Jesus Christ
Comments for this piece:
From Ruth A.: This is so pretty. I can definitely see it being sung as part of an Easter program, either as a primary choir or as an alto or baritone solo.
5.0 stars.
More about Dana Lyn Critchfield:
Dana Lyn Critchfield is a military wife and mother of four children. She lives in Meridian, Idaho where she takes care of her family and enjoys playing music whenever she can.
Song background:
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I love to write poetry but have never been compelled to write music before. This song began as a poem I wrote with the intention to display it next to a small statue of the Savior. As I continued to reflect upon the words I heard a melody in my mind that I could not ignore and did my best to put it on paper. I am not trained in musical theory, so if there are any errors or positive suggestions you would like to make, please feel free to contact me.

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