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Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB

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Related song categories are:
Genealogy/Family History
Missionary Work
Trust in God

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More about Mark Richins:
Mark Richins is a hobbyist of composing sacred music. He received a Bachelor of Musical Arts degree from Brigham Young University and a Master of Music in Music Therapy from Illinois State University.
Song background:

This was a family history project of mine.  The lyricist was the first person in my direct, patriarchal line to join the LDS church.  He joined the church in England, and moved to Utah from there.  These words were written around the time he was making that decision.  

The Last Farewell (by Mark Richins)

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Lyrics: My friends the time is growing nigh
When I to you must say goodbye.
Twill be my last farewell.
I soon shall join a noble band
And journey from my native land
Far in the west to dwell.

Do you not know the time has come
For scattered saints to gather home?
My God I must obey;
Then gladly will I say adieu
To all my friends and country too
I have to wish to stay.

How gladly I will hasten there,
Those blessings how I long to share.
With the saints I long to dwell;
But when I am in Deseret,
My absent friends I'll not forget
Though now I say farewell.
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