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Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, SATB quartet, Youth Choir Mixed Or Unison

See more from Charles E. Davis.

Visit composer's personal website.
See more from Maria A. Davis.

Visit composer's personal website.

Related song categories are:
Eternal Life/Exaltation
Genealogy/Family History
Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit
Individual Worth/Self Esteem
Savior/Jesus Christ
Truth/Wisdom and Knowledge
Arise and Shine Forth Mutual Theme 2012
Be Strong Mutual Theme 2010
Come unto Christ Mutual Theme 2014
Embark in the Service of God Mutual Theme 2015
Stand in Holy Places Mutual Theme 2013
We Believe Mutual Theme 2011

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More about Charles E. Davis:
Charles E. and Maria A. Davis are songwriters living in the Inland Empire of Southern California. Charles has been a piano teacher and musician for many years. He currently teaches privately, and with Musicland. Maria has been writing lyrics and poetry for several years. Both Charles and Maria enjoy writing music in English and Spanish, and have published several vocal, choral, and instrumental works commercially. They are Award of Merit Winners in the LDS Church 2014 Church Music Submission Awards.
More about Maria A. Davis:
Charles E. and Maria A. Davis are songwriters living in the Inland Empire of Southern California. Maria has been writing lyrics and poetry for several years. Charles has been a piano teacher and musician for many years. He currently teaches privately, and with Musicland. Both Charles and Maria enjoy writing music in English and Spanish. They are Award of Merit Winners in the LDS Church 2014 Church Music Submission Awards.
Song background:

The University of God:

This hymn expresses the great joy and blessings of serving the Lord, and being instructed by Him, in the Temple: the University of God.

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Lyrics: Verse 1:
The temple is a sacred place,
A school of grand instruction,
Where truths divine are simply taught
That edify and enlighten.

A place of peace, a place of faith,
A place of strength and love,
A place to grow is His house:
“The University of God.”

Verse 2:
The Spirit is the teacher there,
Revealer of all truth.
My mind opens in vision grand,
My covenants increase in strength.

The worth of souls is great to God.
His house empowers us,
And helps us remain worthy
To be Saviors on Mount Zion.

Verse 3:
The Spirit of Elijah,
Within my breast burns bright.
My eyes now see, my heart beats strong
With love for all those who’ve died.

I shall help my departed ones
Who mean so much to me.
Help them receive that precious light
Which saves them and sets them free.

Verse 4:
“The University of God”,
Where you may graduate
As royalty in Zion
With blessings and honors great.

Persist in gaining knowledge
That leads you ever onward,
To climb the steps, to reach the doors,
Obtaining the keys to enter.

Verse 5:
Unite together now as one,
By God’s great sealing power.
For sure and fast His promise is,
That families can be forever.

And souls you help, you link as one
In chains of love immense.
Not only kin but all mankind,
For sacred are all God’s children.

You only need a heart that’s pure,
Be open and prepared to feel,
Be ever humble and sincere,
To listen with an open ear.

You truly need your eyes to see
To gaze into eternity,
And serve others like our Savior,
As children all of God.

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