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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Celisa Fullmer!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB

See more from Celisa Fullmer.

Related song categories are:
Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit
Individual Worth/Self Esteem
Plan of Salvation/Premortal Life
Savior/Jesus Christ
Scriptures/Bible/Book of Mormon
Trust in God
Truth/Wisdom and Knowledge

Comments for this piece:
From Marie: This song means so much to me. I can't get through the words without crying. Every verse touches my heart. The chorus comes to my mind all the time and I find myself humming it while I think of all the people I love. Everyone needs this song in their heart! If you know someone who struggles with sadness in any way...share this song! There is so much LIGHT to help us through life. The Light of Christ makes shadows flee.
5.0 stars.

From KHicken: This gives me goosebumps. Such a beautiful message, paired with a perfectly simple but compelling melody.
5.0 stars.

From Kathy Tanner: What a heartfelt prayer. I think most of us can relate to the desire to have the light in our darkest times. Well done Celisa. Thanks for sharing your talents.
5.0 stars.

From Shari Orme: You. Are. Amazing. You keep this up and your creations will influence millions. Or billions. Let's go with billions. I like that one better. I love you talented lady! Thank you for writing this song and letting me touch it. :D oh, this is Shari in case you are starting to get creeped out. Ok, bye!
5.0 stars.

From Kyrstin Tindall: We sang this in our ward choir. Even during practice, our members were moved to tears. Truly it speaks to the soul.
5.0 stars.

More about Celisa Fullmer:
I love music in every way. It is how I worship, it is how I relax, it is how I have fun, it is how I pray, and it is how I breathe. Sharing and exploring new music is especially a passion of mine, so I am excited to join this community!
Song background:

Many of those close to me have suffered from mental illness, adversity, and overall affliction in life. One morning, as I was pondering this abstract darkness that seems to plague our generation so ubiquitously, the words and melody of this song came to mind. They flowed so purely that as I scrambled to grab my pencil and jot it all down, the lyrics and tune waere complete in less than an hour. Because of how it came to me, and because of how I feel every time I sing it, I cannot deny that it was pure revelation.

This song is inspired primarily by Ether chapters 3 and 6 in the Book of Mormon, using the account of the Jaredites as a metaphor for our mortal journey. It is dedicated to Kirby Fisk, a woman of incredible faith who was my source of light in a time of darkness. 

The Savior never intended for us to travel alone, and in spite of the darkness of mortal life, the stones of light He gives us are reason to rejoice in every phase of the journey.

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Lyrics: We commend our souls to Thee
As we thrust out in the deep
Mountain waves crash, fierce winds blow
That to choice land we may go

Send us Light, O Lord of all!
Through the mist we hear Thy call!
Shine in darkness, let there be
Light that all Earth's shadows flee!

Though we offer meager stones
Thou hast n'er left man alone
One by one is filled with Light
To confound the darkest night


Oceans part at Thy command
Ere the ransomed cross dry land
By Thy words and gentle will
Shall all seas and souls be stilled


Deep the waters long the way
Yet Thy guiding hand shall stay
Though encompassed, torn and tossed,
Not one soul of Thine be lost


By Thy Light we'll sing Thy praise
From the deep we're ever raised
Only broken hearts may know
Light above and Light below


When at last our voyage ends
Open arms shall call us Friends
Tears of joy flood promised shores
Thy embrace is evermore

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