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See more from Kara E. Trotter.
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More about Charles E. Davis:
Charles E. and Maria A. Davis are songwriters living in the Inland Empire of Southern California. Charles has been a piano teacher and musician for many years. He currently teaches privately, and with Musicland. Maria has been writing lyrics and poetry for several years. Both Charles and Maria enjoy writing music in English and Spanish, and have published several vocal, choral, and instrumental works commercially. They are Award of Merit Winners in the LDS Church 2014 Church Music Submission Awards.
More about Kara E. Trotter:
Kara E. Trotter and Charles E. Davis are father-and-daughter songwriters. Kara currently serves as an Assistant Choir Director for her ward in Panquitch, Utah. She also writes lyrics and plays the flute. Charles has been a piano teacher and musician for many years. He currently teaches privately, and with Musicland in the Inland Empire of Southern California.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Charles E. Davis!
See more from Charles E. Davis.
Visit composer's personal website.
See more from Kara E. Trotter.
Visit composer's personal website.
Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
EFY style/Contemporary
Plan of Salvation/Premortal Life
Savior/Jesus Christ
Trust in God
Young Women Values
Youth/Young Men/Young Women
Arise and Shine Forth Mutual Theme 2012
Be Strong Mutual Theme 2010
Come unto Christ Mutual Theme 2014
Embark in the Service of God Mutual Theme 2015
Stand in Holy Places Mutual Theme 2013
We Believe Mutual Theme 2011
Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
EFY style/Contemporary
Plan of Salvation/Premortal Life
Savior/Jesus Christ
Trust in God
Young Women Values
Youth/Young Men/Young Women
Arise and Shine Forth Mutual Theme 2012
Be Strong Mutual Theme 2010
Come unto Christ Mutual Theme 2014
Embark in the Service of God Mutual Theme 2015
Stand in Holy Places Mutual Theme 2013
We Believe Mutual Theme 2011
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More about Charles E. Davis:
Charles E. and Maria A. Davis are songwriters living in the Inland Empire of Southern California. Charles has been a piano teacher and musician for many years. He currently teaches privately, and with Musicland. Maria has been writing lyrics and poetry for several years. Both Charles and Maria enjoy writing music in English and Spanish, and have published several vocal, choral, and instrumental works commercially. They are Award of Merit Winners in the LDS Church 2014 Church Music Submission Awards.
More about Kara E. Trotter:
Kara E. Trotter and Charles E. Davis are father-and-daughter songwriters. Kara currently serves as an Assistant Choir Director for her ward in Panquitch, Utah. She also writes lyrics and plays the flute. Charles has been a piano teacher and musician for many years. He currently teaches privately, and with Musicland in the Inland Empire of Southern California.
Song background:
Sheet music playthrough video:
This song, in contemporary style, invites us to remember that Christ is the true meaning of Christmas, and to hear His silent plea to spend Christmas with Him. This song will be an instant favorite, and may be used at home, church, or in public performance.
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Lyrics: Verse 1:
We talk about presents, and parties, and lights,
Santa, and Rudolph, and white winter nights,
But do you remember the things we should share,
The truth of the season, the reason we care?
I heard a sweet story of a time long ago
When a child was born but not in the snow.
He was born in a stable and laid in the hay.
So what makes Christmas a special day?
Verse 2:
The life of that boy as he grew to a man
Was the time he prepared to teach of the plan
His Father had made that’s filled with love
To return to our home with Him up above.
As a man he walked and taught all he saw,
And told them to always follow God’s law.
He shared with everyone the gift of his love,
So one day we all can return home above.
Verse 3:
What was he giv’n for the things He had done?
What did we give the Only Begotten Son?
He was hated, despised, and then he was tried.
Not only that, he was then crucified.
But he rose again upon the third day
So unto all men He could come and say,
“Come follow me, death binds you no more.
I am your Savior, now and forevermore.”
Verse 4:
So what’s this to do with Christmas you ask?
At Christmas is given to us this one task:
To remember his birth, when he first came here
To be held and loved by his parents dear.
We each come to earth in just the same way.
So what do we lose on this one special day
To remember our Savior, and how he began
His life on earth and followed God’s plan?
So during this very special time of the year,
We all have the chance to open an ear,
And hear a very special and silent plea:
“Won’t you please spend Christmas with me?”
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