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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Dawn Rose!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SA, Duet, Young Women Voices

See more from Dawn Rose.

Related song categories are:
Eternal Life/Exaltation
Genealogy/Family History
Heaven/Celestial Kingdom
Plan of Salvation/Premortal Life
Includes Vocal Obbligato/Descant

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More about Dawn Rose:
I live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest and am the mother of eleven children and the grandmother of sixteen. My husband and I are the adoptive parents of seven African-American children. I have an internet business, since 2007, where I make and sell look-a-like dolls of children all over the world. Writing poetry is a lifelong joy; lately I am finding pleasure in the whimsical characters that have come to life in my children's poetry. Three of these poems have been published as children's books so far. I play guitar by ear and love to sing, and although I am not a pianist, with the new computer programs available I can compose the music I feel in my heart. I hope my music will be a blessing to some of you. Things I love: Music, literature, laughing children, the words of Christ, soft horse muzzles, and floppy dog ears.
Song background:

I was asked to sing for the evening session of stake conference last spring, and was given the theme "The spirit of Elijah." As I searched for something connected with family history, I was surprised at how few there were. I began to feel strongly that the way all of us will be filled with the desire, is to hear the stories. The stories connect us with our ancestors, turning them into real people ---rather than just genealogy or temple "work." With permission from the Stake Presidency, I performed this composition as a duet with Analei Holt (representing the youth); we were accompanied by Maretta Nearing on the piano (also on the recording.) The talks in the meeting were all focused on the stories as well---it was truly humbling to be a participant. 

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Lyrics: Our Hearts Shall Turn
by Dawn Rose

A story is told about a traveler;
a lifetime savings spent to cross the sea.
He came to find a land of liberty,
She came for land to raise a garden
Where her children could run free.
But they never heard the gospel, so it's up to you and me
to make covenants for loved ones found in our ancestry.

And our hearts shall turn to the work of eternity.
Souls, who waiting, yearn to be sealed to their family.
Let Elijah's spirit touch our hearts to burn
with desire to know and love our ancestry.

A story is told about a child of three
laid to rest beneath a maple tree.
In deep despair, they had to leave her there
For it was almost winter time
and further west they had mountains to climb.
but they never heard the gospel, so it's up to you and me
To restore the babes of loved ones found in our ancestry.

And our hearts shall turn to the work of eternity.
Souls, who waiting, yearn to be sealed to their family.
Let Elijah's spirit touch our hearts to burn
with desire to know and love our ancestry.

Together, from both sides of the veil,
Parents and children shall become celestial.

And our hearts shall turn to the work of eternity.
Souls, who waiting, yearn to be sealed to their family.
Let Elijah's spirit touch our hearts to burn
with desire to know and love our ancestry.

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