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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Claire Chell!

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Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice
Diligence/Commitment/Endure to End
Eternal Life/Exaltation
Heaven/Celestial Kingdom
Heavenly Father
Motherhood/Mother's Day/Sisterhood
Plan of Salvation/Premortal Life
Savior/Jesus Christ
Trust in God

Comments for this piece:
From Ruth: I loved your original version. I love this version. It can barely listen to it without crying, even though I've heard it probably 20 times by now. This is such a powerful song of Mary's testimony.
5.0 stars.

More about Claire Chell:
I have always loved music, sacred music especially, even from a young age. I taught myself to play the piano using showtunes and the LDS Hymnbook and Children's Songbook. Janice Kapp Perry is my hero! Despite my love of music, I've always been terrified to perform and a few horrifying experiences in my early youth caused me to set aside playing the piano; I'd lost my love for it. Fast forward many years and I am now, with my husband, raising 3 gorgeous girlies, who like mama, also love music. We were fortunate enough to save a lot of money during the COVID19 pandemic due to not buying fuel for the cars, that we were able to afford a digital piano. I returned to teaching myself to play and I've been studying music theory alongside it. I then discovered music writing software! Now I thought maybe, just maybe, I could write a song. My second daughter's baptism was approaching and this seemed the perfect opportunity to try. God evidently thought so too because words and melody came to me as I was enjoying a swim one day soon after. My daughter and I even performed it at her baptism which was a huge deal for us, both being very shy performers. I have discovered an absolute love for writing music, and sharing it has been a way for me to share my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ and connect with other people across the world. I have Instagram account if you’d like to follow my musical journey: clairechell_music
Song background:

I remember when my children were babies and the novelty of their birth had worn off and reality had set in, those dark nights feeling totally inadequate to the task of motherhood. Oh the prayers said pacing the floor in the dead of night! Those converstations that were part prayer over fears for the future, part apologies to my baby and promises to do my best and better.  I wondered if Mary ever did the same.  Did she know from her spiritual learning what her Son had come to do?  Did she pray that it might not be so? Did she move forward with faith and trust in God that He would take care of her and help her Son through every pain? We simply don't know because we do not have her account.  But I think she must have.  This song is an attempt to express some of those feelings.

I had previously published this song, but i felt the need to do some major chnages so i deleted the original and republished.


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Lyrics: Manger, Garden, Cross and Tomb

The star has faded in the sky,
the kings and shepherds are gone.
The angels ceased their lullaby,
the night is silent once more.
Now I think of what the prophet's said,
of all the sorrow which lies ahead.

From the manger, through the garden, cross and tomb,
please God, not for You, please tell me it's not true for my child?
But if God wills this painful road for You, He will carry You.
Please God carry me too.
From the manger, through the garden, cross, and tomb.

Hush my baby don't you cry,
rest safely next to me.
Hear your mother's lullaby
find peace here now with me.
I'll rest my cares at the Father's feet,
and trust that His promises He will keep.

From the manger, through the garden, cross and tomb,
please God, not for You, please tell me it's not true for my child?
But if God wills this painful road for You, He will carry You.
Please God carry me too.
From the manger, through the garden, cross…

…then You will rise
and wipe the tears from our eyes
and You will carry us to the Father's arms.
You came to save
so I will be brave
but for tonight rest safely in my arms.

From the manger, through the garden, cross and tomb,
I'll be there for you, and God will be there too my child.
For God wills this painful road for You, so He will help You through,
and He will help me too.
From the manger, through the garden, cross, and tomb.

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