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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Adrienne Foster Potter!
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More about Adrienne Foster Potter:
--Majored in Music Theory/Composition at U of U and BYU. Studied under Lowell Durham and Bro. Sardoni. --Wrote first song at age 16. --Plays guitar, sings, plays piano, bass, and organ. --Published first songs online in 1995. ----Have had songs performed in various wards and stakes around the country and for regional YA events. Writer, artist, and musician who likes to do projects involving all three of these venues. She has published 12 books on Amazon.com as well as many illustrated, free stories for kids at www.kidsread.info. Thirty Music videos at https://www.youtube.com/@Moods4U
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Adrienne Foster Potter!
See more from Adrienne Foster Potter.
Visit composer's personal website.
Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice
Book of Mormon
Savior/Jesus Christ
Teaching/Sunday School
Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice
Book of Mormon
Savior/Jesus Christ
Teaching/Sunday School
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More about Adrienne Foster Potter:
--Majored in Music Theory/Composition at U of U and BYU. Studied under Lowell Durham and Bro. Sardoni. --Wrote first song at age 16. --Plays guitar, sings, plays piano, bass, and organ. --Published first songs online in 1995. ----Have had songs performed in various wards and stakes around the country and for regional YA events. Writer, artist, and musician who likes to do projects involving all three of these venues. She has published 12 books on Amazon.com as well as many illustrated, free stories for kids at www.kidsread.info. Thirty Music videos at https://www.youtube.com/@Moods4U
Song background:
You can also visit the author's original page
for this piece (opens in a new window).Jesus came to America after his resurrection to teach the people here His true gospel. He actually walked on American soil, and breathed American air, and taught and healed the Nephites and Lamanites. This song celebrates his visit.
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Lyrics: VERSE 1:
Jesus was here, he came to this land, and showed them the wounds in His feet and His hands.
He taught them truths that their minds longed to hear, and then He showed them faith that dissolved all their fear. He said he would leave but when He saw their tears, He said, "Bring your sick, blind and withered ones here."
Then they could see, then they could hear. They washed His feet with their tears.
He healed them all, He made them walk, His deeds live on through the years.
He was here upon this land where righteous saints and prophets stand.
Praise the sky and kiss the ground, where His footsteps once were found.
Then Jesus said, "Bring them to me," and so all the children were set 'round His knee.
Then Jesus spoke such a marvelous prayer, the world has never known what was seen and heard there.
And no tongue can speak, and no one's hand can write His wonderful, beautiful words full of light.
Each child was blessed, Every single one; blessed by the pure, holy Son.
Then Jesus told the people to see the angels with the little ones.
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