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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Michael Bailey!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SSAATTBB

We also have other 71 arrangements of "I Know That My Redeemer Lives".

See more from Michael Bailey.

Related song categories are:
Eternal Life/Exaltation
Heavenly Father
Missionary Work
Plan of Salvation/Premortal Life
Relief Society/Sisterhood/Women
Savior/Jesus Christ
Youth/Young Men/Young Women
A Cappella/Optional A Capella
Choir with Soloist or Optional Soloist
Includes Vocal Obbligato/Descant

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More about Michael Bailey:
My name is Michael Bailey and music has always been my first love in life. I graduated from BYU with a BA in Music and spent time in composition and orchestration and music recording. I enjoy getting feedback so please reach out to me if you listen and have comments!
Song background:

I've been hanging onto this arrangement of "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" for a bit since opportunity for choir performance just hasn't been there lately. I wrote this in hopes that our ward choir would get a chance to perform it for Easter. Well, COVID saw to that! I hope someday it may see the light of day. This arrangement has a few challenging aspects - an A Capella section at the beginning (though having the accompanist play along would certainly work if desired), a men's 3 or 4 part section in verse 3 (if you don't have enough men I've marked a 4th note with a smaller head that could probably be left out and the harmony would still be complete) and an obligato section in the last verse for the sopranos. Additionally, I had a very hard time deciding how to finish. In the end, I've made the decision to publish BOTH endings, because I believe there are some directors who would prefer a strong finish and others who would prefer a softer touch. 

Update: 3/17/2024 My good friends at FPC Downey have provided us with this wonderful rendition of this arrangement. For more by that group please check out the you tube link below!

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