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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Brian Richey!

Voicing/Instrumentation: Organ/Organ Accompaniment

We also have other 75 arrangements of "I Am a Child of God".

See more from Brian Richey.

Related song categories are:
Children's Songs
Eternal Life/Exaltation
Heaven/Celestial Kingdom
Heavenly Father
Individual Worth/Self Esteem
Plan of Salvation/Premortal Life
Trust in God

Comments for this piece:
From Connie Stauffer: Brian, this is absolutely gorgeous!!! I would never have found it on my own, and can't wait to use it. I love how it started out so simply and built up. Thanks for your kind comments on my Facebook. Looking at this adorable little face tugs at my heartstrings.
5.0 stars.

From Connie Stauffer: Brian, this is absolutely gorgeous!!! I would never have found it on my own, and can't wait to use it. I love how it started out so simply and built up. Thanks for your kind comments on my Facebook. Looking at this adorable little face tugs at my heartstrings.
5.0 stars.

From Connie Stauffer: Brian, this is absolutely gorgeous!!! I would never have found it on my own, and can't wait to use it. I love how it started out so simply and built up. Thanks for your kind comments on my Facebook. Looking at this adorable little face tugs at my heartstrings.
5.0 stars.

From Connie Stauffer: Brian, this is absolutely gorgeous!!! I would never have found it on my own, and can't wait to use it. I love how it started out so simply and built up. Thanks for your kind comments on my Facebook. Looking at this adorable little face tugs at my heartstrings.
5.0 stars.

More about Brian Richey:
I am not a professional musician. My background is medicine. I just happened to learn piano when I was 8 and despite only a few years of piano lessons (because my piano teacher suffered from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or ALS) my theory and technique never got past the "Bastian Level 3 series." That, however, did NOT stop my branch president father from calling me to be primary pianist at age 9 then sacrament pianist at 12. When I turned 19 and called to a mission in SLC-South, I came to learn Wilberg's music as well as James Kasen. I listen to their compositions and try to emulate in my works. After being ward organist for over 22+ years, I take the hymn from the hymn book and "embellish" it as Wilberg, Murphy, and other talented musicians do for us at every General Conference and/or Music & The Spoken Word. I try to add dynamics to the meeting and bring out the spirit with my music. Am I professional? No. Am I any good? Well that depends if anyone else can play in my ward. In this instance, they don't. There are several hymns that I have not arranged yet. As hymns are selected (like over the past 4 years), I try to create a new arrangement in time for Sunday's service. I believe music should be shared and this is to enhance worship- it is not mine but the Almighty. This is my way or praising and I hope you see it my way as well. Cheers.
Song background:

"Love Like Layla"

April 9, 2020, two year old Layla drowned in a hot tub during peak of Covid pandemic. I knew I loved this arrangement so when the news hit from reading a fellow members post, I was touched and moved especially listening to the lyrics of 'I'm a Child of God.' I tried to get my daughters to sing it but to no avail, I recorded myself after I arranged it from a 4 part SATB to strictly an organ solo. I hope the dynamics of the piece do it justice. Everytime I hear or play this piece, I think of sweet Layla and how lucky she is to be in the arms of her Heavenly Father- something we should all strive for. 

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