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Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB

We also have other 24 arrangements of "How Great the Wisdom and the Love".

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Related song categories are:
Plan of Salvation/Premortal Life
Savior/Jesus Christ

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More about Nathan Howe:
Nathan Howe is a Colorado composer, performer, and educator.
Song background:

Just in time for Easter, this new setting of Eliza R. Snow’s lovely hymn text provides an accessible, beautiful choral texture.


How Great the Wisdom and the Love was written in a style similar to a recently published setting of For the Beauty of the Earth.  However, this piece is much more accessible for use with all-volunteer church choirs.  It stays in D major, the piano accompaniment is very supportive to the choral parts, and each vocal line is written in a moderate range without divisi.  Although it is accessible, this piece does not sacrifice beauty for the sake of simplicity.  It uses modern harmonies and conveys a feeling of awe.

One important feature of this choral setting is that it utilizes all six verses of Eliza R. Snow’s text.  Two verses of the original text are combined into one verse in this setting, which allows the lyrics to shine without the music becoming too repetitive.


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