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Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, Youth Choir Mixed Or Unison

See more from Charles E. Davis.

Visit composer's personal website.
See more from Maria A. Davis.

Visit composer's personal website.

Related song categories are:
Aaronic Priesthood
Diligence/Commitment/Endure to End
Gathering of Israel
Missionary Work
Plan of Salvation/Premortal Life
Scriptures/Bible/Book of Mormon
Teaching/Sunday School
Trust in God
Truth/Wisdom and Knowledge
Youth/Young Men/Young Women
A Cappella/Optional A Capella
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Embark in the Service of God Mutual Theme 2015

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More about Charles E. Davis:
Charles E. and Maria A. Davis are songwriters living in the Inland Empire of Southern California. Charles has been a piano teacher and musician for many years. He currently teaches privately, and with Musicland. Maria has been writing lyrics and poetry for several years. Both Charles and Maria enjoy writing music in English and Spanish, and have published several vocal, choral, and instrumental works commercially. They are Award of Merit Winners in the LDS Church 2014 Church Music Submission Awards.
More about Maria A. Davis:
Charles E. and Maria A. Davis are songwriters living in the Inland Empire of Southern California. Maria has been writing lyrics and poetry for several years. Charles has been a piano teacher and musician for many years. He currently teaches privately, and with Musicland. Both Charles and Maria enjoy writing music in English and Spanish. They are Award of Merit Winners in the LDS Church 2014 Church Music Submission Awards.
Song background:

Este himno expresa la gran gozo de amor y la bendición de servir al Señor en el campo misional y en su iglesia. Versiones disponibles en Inglés y Español.

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Lyrics: Verso 1:
Fieles misioneros,
Al Señor seguimos,
Y a los campos vamos,
Las almas a rescatar.

Firmes, fieles, con amor,
Valor, y humildad,
Por cielo, mar, y tierra,
Vamos a predicar.

Verso 2:
Nuestras armas son las escrituras,
El escudo la verdad.
El Espíritu de Dios nos guía
Y nos protegerá.

Todo el mundo sabrá,
Que la iglesia,
De Cristo restaurada,
Hoy in día está.

Verso 3:
Con gratitud y humildad,
Te pedimos Padre,
Ilumines nuestras mentes,
Y pasos al caminar.

En la adversidad,
Tus ángeles guardianes.
Siempre estén presentes,
Y Tu divino amor.

Verso 4:
No teman mis pequeños,
Soy su Señor y Dios.
Y desde el cielo,
Siempre los guiaré.

Sean pacientes en aflicción,
Yo los bendeciré.
Con éxito y gozo,
Mis siervos fieles.

Verso 5:
Empuñen su oz y trabajen,
Mientras sea de día.
El campo blanco para,
La cosecha lista está.

De gran gozo será el día,
Que junto con las almas,
Rescatadas la vida eterna,
Podrán disfrutar.

¡No hay gozo más grande,
Que el de servir a Dios!
¡Ni dicha mayor,
Que dar amor a otros!

El deber de cada miembro,
Es ser un misionero,
Para declarar Su palabra,
Con luz y rectitud.

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