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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Doreen McGowan!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SAB
See more from Doreen McGowan.
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More about Doreen McGowan:
Doreen has been writing music for church choir, solos, and small ensembles for many years. She is a piano teacher, and also enjoys playing the French horn and bassoon. Mother of 3, grandmother of 7, wife of one wonderful husband. She enjoys creating arrangements for varied groups of instruments - if you have a miscellaneous ensemble that would like to play together (sacrament meeting, ward Christmas party, etc), she would be delighted to create a custom arrangement for you.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Doreen McGowan!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SAB
See more from Doreen McGowan.
Related song categories are:
Eternal Life/Exaltation
Savior/Jesus Christ
Eternal Life/Exaltation
Savior/Jesus Christ
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More about Doreen McGowan:
Doreen has been writing music for church choir, solos, and small ensembles for many years. She is a piano teacher, and also enjoys playing the French horn and bassoon. Mother of 3, grandmother of 7, wife of one wonderful husband. She enjoys creating arrangements for varied groups of instruments - if you have a miscellaneous ensemble that would like to play together (sacrament meeting, ward Christmas party, etc), she would be delighted to create a custom arrangement for you.
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This Easter anthem takes us from the Garden of Gethsemane, to the cross, to the empty tomb. Accessible for a typical ward choir in an SAB setting.

Lyrics: Father, why must I suffer? Please let this cup just pass me by.
Not my will, but only Thy will be done, yes, even if I must die!
My Son, the world is waiting, the time has come to fulfill the plan.
I love you and yet we must do this sacrifice for the sins of man.
The road to Calvary is rocky and long, The sky grows dark, the wind blows strong.
Earthquakes and thunder and lightning and rain, The curtain of the temple is rent in twain!
Surely this was the Son of God!
Then on the third day the women came, Bringing sweet spices to honor His name.
Found not the Savior, the tomb was bare. Only an angel with news to share.
Christ has arisen, the stone is gone, Go tell the world with a joyful song.
Christ has arisen to set man free, Showing the way for the world to see.
Alleluia, sing alleluia! Christ is risen, our Lord is risen!
Now to the world this glad message we bring: Jesus is risen, our Lord and King!
Now is fulfilled Heavenly Father's plan, Bringing salvation and life to man!
Alleluia, sing alleluia! Chris is risen, our Lord is risen!
Christ the Lord!
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