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Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, SATB quartet

See more from Debbie Frandsen.

Related song categories are:
Eternal Life/Exaltation
Heavenly Father
Savior/Jesus Christ
Scripture Mastery

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More about Debbie Frandsen:
I'm a piano teacher, primary pianist, choir pianist, and love to play the piano any chance I get. I love to arrange and compose music. I'm thankful to my parents for making sure that I took piano lessons. I'm grateful to all of my piano teachers that took the time to teach me. I have a wonderful husband, five wonderful children and their spouses, and 3 grandchildren and counting. We love to have family get togethers!
Song background:

"A Lamb Prepared" 

A poem by Bruce Porter

Music by Debbie Frandsen

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Lyrics: A lamb prepared in heaven's realm,
God chose His only Son,
Atonement infinite and true,
A Work that must be done.
"Thy will, not mine" the Lamb declared
Long before this earth,
Atonement made before the fall
A death for our rebirth.
The condescension of a God
Into mortality,
A humble birth within a cave,
To hang upon a tree.
A sacrifice that's infinite,
An offering is made.
Of man or beast, it could not be,
By God it must be paid.

The drops of blood that stain the rocks
Within Gethsemane,
The resurrection promised,
Through the death at Calvary.
The Blood was shed for mercy's sake
The price that ransomed sin,
The body laid aside for man
That all might live again.
The bands of death are broken now
He died that all might live,
The chains of hell are ever loosed
Eternal life to give.
Unto this end The Christ was born
For death and sin to pay.
To seal us His eternally
To live with Him some day.

Though our sins might be as scarlet,
Forgiveness yet we'll know
Our garments washed in sacred blood,
White as the driven snow.
In confidence that waxes strong
We grasp His holy hand,
Into His presence enter in,
Before His throne to stand.
Encircled in His arms of love,
Atonement now fulfilled
To be an heir, at one with God
The second death is healed.
Because of love for all the world
God gave His Only Son
That through the sacrifice of Christ,
The Father's will is done.
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