Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12


First, if you see a green message "logged in as" above this then you're already good to go! If not then read on:

Creating a new login

If you are new to our site, click here to create your own new login.  You're done, further instructions will be sent via email, you can create new songs here.

If you already have songs on our site, but don't have a composer login, read on: Fill out this request form with your desired username and information. We'll set it up with a random password and send you a link when it's setup.


Once you have a  login, login using your username by clicking here

Updating/editing user profile info

If you want to update your user info later (bio, password, website url, etc.) login then click here.

Reset Password:

If you forget your password, but already have a login, you can reset password here


You can also manually logout (optional) here when you're done entering things (which would require re-logging in again later).