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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Cydney Olson Van Duker!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB
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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Cydney Olson Van Duker!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB
See more from Cydney Olson Van Duker.
Related song categories are:
Savior/Jesus Christ
Trust in God
Savior/Jesus Christ
Trust in God
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Lazarus is a thoughtfully written poem by Mark Hardy. It starts out with Lazaurs being raised from the dead - from Lazarus' point of view. The story then goes on to show the love that the Savior had for Lazarus and the love Lazarus had for the Savior. Then we are asked if we love the Savior enough to let our "wrappings" fall.

Lyrics: Nev-er such peace I felt When bound so tight- ly there. To hear his foot-steps near To know that he had come, to feel the wrap-pings fall. 5 For how long, I can-not say. A sleep-so like death did take my mind. Though I'd searched, I did not find His face with-in my sight 'Til from my eyes the wrap-pings they did fall. Such com-pas-sion, I had nev-er knowm For me whom he called friend. Un-til with-in his soft com-mand To a-rise, Come forth And to em-brace I I I heard the wrap-pings fall. I mar-velled at the skin on skin a-gainst my pick-led cheek. His rough-ened touch did mean so much as the wrap-pings they did fall. Ev- en lat-er, when we'd come to know the an-guish of his bur-den, I would nev-er be more cer-tain by the care-ful way and thought-ful way, He made the wrap-pings fall. Nev-er will I know such love! With all His strength, His might, His mind, He on-ly asks that I be kind. That I might know He loved me first, I will let the wrap-ings fall. Be-hold how Je-sus loved him! Laz-a-rus a-rise! Laz-a-rus come forth! I will let the wrap-ings fall. Oh how Je-sus loved him! Can I be like Laz- a-rus? Be-hold how Je-sus loves me. Oh, how Je-sus loves me. Be-cause Je-sus loves me, I will let the wrap-pings fall. I will let the wrap-ings fall. I will let them fall. I will let the wrap-pings fall. I will let the wrap-ings fall. Let them fall. I will let them fall. I will let them fall.
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