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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Claire Chell!

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Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice
Heavenly Father
Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit
Individual Worth/Self Esteem
Motherhood/Mother's Day/Sisterhood
Relief Society/Sisterhood/Women
Savior/Jesus Christ
Trust in God
Truth/Wisdom and Knowledge
Young Women Values

Comments for this piece:
From Gill Rutter: A beautiful song! What an anthem for women of all ages…this is us!
5.0 stars.

More about Claire Chell:
I have always loved music, sacred music especially, even from a young age. I taught myself to play the piano using showtunes and the LDS Hymnbook and Children's Songbook. Janice Kapp Perry is my hero! Despite my love of music, I've always been terrified to perform and a few horrifying experiences in my early youth caused me to set aside playing the piano; I'd lost my love for it. Fast forward many years and I am now, with my husband, raising 3 gorgeous girlies, who like mama, also love music. We were fortunate enough to save a lot of money during the COVID19 pandemic due to not buying fuel for the cars, that we were able to afford a digital piano. I returned to teaching myself to play and I've been studying music theory alongside it. I then discovered music writing software! Now I thought maybe, just maybe, I could write a song. My second daughter's baptism was approaching and this seemed the perfect opportunity to try. God evidently thought so too because words and melody came to me as I was enjoying a swim one day soon after. My daughter and I even performed it at her baptism which was a huge deal for us, both being very shy performers. I have discovered an absolute love for writing music, and sharing it has been a way for me to share my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ and connect with other people across the world. I have Instagram account if you’d like to follow my musical journey: clairechell_music
Song background:

My sister-in-law, Emily Rutter, asked me earlier this year if I had a Mother’s Day song she could sing in sacrament meeting. The only one I had was a primary song so I asked her if she'd like me to write one. She had some specifications about the type of song she wanted: one that would embrace our many identities as well as our motherhood. She also wanted something that could be used as a theme song for their Stake Young Women’s camp. So I asked her to work with her daughter Paige, to write some lyrics and then I would write the music.

She came back with some beautiful lyrics and even an initial melody for the chorus. Well, it took four days, some late nights, emails, texts and facetime to write this song (Emily lives in the US and I live in England). Some editing during the weeks afterwards led us to this version.

Emily shared her song with her stake young women leadership who then asked one of the young women presidents, Becky Foster, who is a professional singer to record it to help the young women learn it.  I had no idea this was happening, until Emily surprised me with it over FaceTime.  I was floored!  Becky had made our song come alive. Do check out her work on Instagram @balanced_becky.   

I shared the recording with my stake president, who responded telling me that Becky and her family used to be in his ward a few years ago when her husband was stationed in England with the Air Force.  What a small world!

I hope to share a SA version of the song shortly.

Emily, Paige, Becky and I hope that you enjoy this celebration of womanhood.  


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Lyrics: VERSE 1
When the noise of the world surrounds me,
And waves of overwhelm erode my ground,
You're the hope that anchors my soul,
And the rock to which I'm bound.
In the darkness of my sorrows You remind me:

I am a daughter of God who's courageous and strong.
I am a sister, a mother, a disciple of Christ.
I am grounded in the knowledge of my eternal home.
I am empowered by faith through Your grace.
I am divine. I am beloved by thee.

As I seek to know and discover,
Who it is that I am meant to be,
It is You who lights my journey,
And the One who guides my feet.
My stones are turned to strengths and You remind me:

I am a daughter of God who's courageous and strong,
I am a covenant woman, a disciple of Christ.
I'm a witness, firm and steadfast, with faith for miracles.
I am worthy of Your love and Your power.
I am divine. I am beloved by thee.

I am unique, I'm in Your hands, I am enough, for I am me!

I am a daughter of God who's courageous and strong.
I am guided by the Spirit to lead others unto Thee.
I am more than what the world says a woman ought to be.
The worth of my soul is great in Your eyes.
I am divine. I am beloved by thee.
I am one with thee.

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