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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Diane Tuiofu!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SA

See more from Diane Tuiofu.

Visit composer's personal website.
See more from Toni Thomas.

Visit composer's personal website.

Related song categories are:
Plan of Salvation/Premortal Life
Relief Society/Sisterhood/Women

Comments for this piece:
From Kelly Coleman: We're using this for our Women's Choir to sing at our Relief Society Bday dinner, it's perfect! All the women love the song and it's brought such a spirit (and tears at times) as we've sung it. I absolutely love the lyrics--Thank you for sharing!
5.0 stars.

Song background:

"Women of Faith" is a tribute to the many women—our mothers, our grandmothers, our pioneering female leaders—who have by their faithful lives and charitable works lead the way for women of faith to follow today.

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Lyrics: Verse 1
When once the heavens opened,
Her heart was touched with fire;
Then truth became her glory,
And Zion her desire.
She glimpsed the vast eternities
And knew her royal birth;
Thus armed with truth and charity,
She fought for heav’n on earth.

Women of faith:
We celebrate their stories
Of sacrifice and glory,
In ev’ry time and place,
A fervent fire of faith,
To lead and light our way,
We carry on their legacy
As women of faith.

Verse 2
A woman left her homeland
To heed a prophet’s call;
A woman learned the healing arts
To tend a wounded soul;
A woman planted grains of wheat,
Providing future stay;
A woman taught her children truths,
That live in us today.
Repeat Chorus

Verse 3
A sisterhood of purpose
Unites our hearts as one;
We will not fail nor falter,
Until the work is done.
Each life of sacrifice and grace
Our further works inspire,
Until in time we, too, shall add
Our flame unto their fire.

Repeat Chorus
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