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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Shari Orme!

Voicing/Instrumentation: Piano Solo

We also have other 45 arrangements of "Where Can I Turn for Peace?".

See more from Shari Orme.

Visit composer's personal website.

Related song categories are:
Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit
Savior/Jesus Christ

Comments for this piece:
From malia canihan: What a beautiful arrangement of this song!
5.0 stars.

From Kristen: This is wonderful! My favorite arrangement of this hymn and the mp3 playing is gorgeous. My only complaint is that from page 6 to the end, what's written is NOT what is being played--especially for the last phrases where the time signature (as played) returns to the 3/4 or triplet feel and yet what's written is straight 4/4.
5.0 stars.

From Jene: This is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing! Thanks for the recording!
5.0 stars.

From Evelyne: This is so very very beautiful arrangement! The ward pianist will play it at my son's baptims and hopefully touched the members as well as the non-members who are coming :)
5.0 stars.

From Amery Baker: This is a masterpiece. Such beautiful talent. Thank you so much for sharing!!
5.0 stars.

From Brendon: This song is so beautiful! Sometimes I like to sing along with the piano part, and I feel the Spirit so strongly in this song. Thanks!
5.0 stars.

From Samantha: A most stunning and beautiful piece of work this is. The spirit is wonderful and strong. Playing this, as well as listening to the recording, helps me feel so calm and peaceful. Thank you for sharing your talent with us all. What a blessing!
5.0 stars.

From Cheryl: I agree with the person that said the recording and PDF are not exactly alike...actually in a few places...but I am SOOOO happy I found this arrangement!! It is so gorgeous and exactly what I need to fit the theme I was going for...LOVE!!!

From Lisa: This arrangement is absolutely gorgeous and fills my soul with peace. I love the key used and the lower notes add a unique depth. I wish an accompaniment version was also available for singers with lower vocal ranges. You are incredible! Thanks for sharing this talent and testimony.
5.0 stars.

From Lisa: This arrangement is absolutely gorgeous and fills my soul with peace. I love the key used and the lower notes add a unique depth. I wish an accompaniment version was also available for singers with lower vocal ranges. You are incredible! Thanks for sharing this talent and testimony.
5.0 stars.

Song background:
"Where Can I Turn For Peace?” has one of the most beautiful messages about the Savior and His Atonement among all of our hymns.  Its' melody is just as strikingly beautiful - and together they form such a spiritual feast if you are willing to listen humbly and thoughtfully. 

The past couple of piano solos I have written I have focused expressly on the lyrics - and this one has probably been the most so.  I tried chord after chord on each word, trying to feel if it conveyed what I felt the author might have been trying to communicate. The first verse communicates questions that any human soul should be able to relate with: doubt, a search for a source that produces happiness, and 'soul searching' when we are trying to figure out the point of our suffering.  In the 2nd verse, I feel that the lyrics communicate an intensifying of those same unanswered questions: Where do I run? Where's the relief? And seriously, who, 'who could understand?' to which the last line finally realizes the solution: "He, Only One." The third verse is simply the victorious happy part that expresses how loving and anxious our gentle Savior is to 'answer us privately', and to 'reach our reaching'. I'm so grateful that he is so "constant and kind", and has an unending love for me.  My soul is uplifted every time I play it with those lyrics in mind as a great reminder to me of those truths. 

Even though my music usually has many written notes, I urge you to not play it fast, or intensely.  Give emphasis to the melody, being expressive as you play.  If you can, become so familiar with the 3 verses of lyrics, that you can communicate that message to those who listen.  If you play this in a sacrament meeting, invite the congregation to read the words as you play: I promise it will make all the difference.


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