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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Doreen McGowan!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB
See more from Doreen McGowan.
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More about Doreen McGowan:
Doreen has been writing music for church choir, solos, and small ensembles for many years. She is a piano teacher, and also enjoys playing the French horn and bassoon. Mother of 3, grandmother of 7, wife of one wonderful husband. She enjoys creating arrangements for varied groups of instruments - if you have a miscellaneous ensemble that would like to play together (sacrament meeting, ward Christmas party, etc), she would be delighted to create a custom arrangement for you.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Doreen McGowan!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB
See more from Doreen McGowan.
Related song categories are:
Savior/Jesus Christ
Savior/Jesus Christ
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More about Doreen McGowan:
Doreen has been writing music for church choir, solos, and small ensembles for many years. She is a piano teacher, and also enjoys playing the French horn and bassoon. Mother of 3, grandmother of 7, wife of one wonderful husband. She enjoys creating arrangements for varied groups of instruments - if you have a miscellaneous ensemble that would like to play together (sacrament meeting, ward Christmas party, etc), she would be delighted to create a custom arrangement for you.
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A sacrament hymn, with lyrics by Michael Young, written for the new hymnal submission.

Lyrics: 1. When soon the sacred hour comes, To offer God my broken heart.
Then I partake of comfort's crust That healing in my soul may start.
I take with faith the little cup Of Christ's compassion true and full.
And drink as He once drank his up, To purify my wounded soul.
2. When soon the sacred hour comes I feast forgiveness as the bread,
I drink from sweet redemption's wine From Him who suffered in my stead.
By sacred symbols I am filled With gratitude and purity.
Through sacrifice, I a renewed, And granted new security.
3. When soon the sacred hour comes, I join the great physician there
To ponder on my neighbor's load And how to heal those in despair.
With gifts abundant I receive, I'll seek their souls to lift and bless.
This time endows me with the pow'r To succor others in distress.
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