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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Sandy Steinfelt!

Voicing/Instrumentation: Choir Unison, Primary Children/Primary Solo, Vocal Solo

See more from Sandy Steinfelt.

Related song categories are:
Book of Mormon
Children's Songs
Savior/Jesus Christ
Scriptures/Bible/Book of Mormon
Truth/Wisdom and Knowledge
Youth Choir

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More about Sandy Steinfelt:
Received a BMA in Music Education from BYU-Idaho. I enjoy creating music for my friends and family and like to share my gifts with others.
Song background:

When our family found out the church was accepting submissions for the new hymn book, I decided it would be fun to compose a hymn as a summer project. If I could do it as a final in my theory class, it should be easy as a family, right? First I let the kids decide what it should be about. My 6 year old (the oldest) loves the story of the Stripling Warriors and the song Army of Helaman, so he wanted it to be related to that, my 4 year old said it should be about "Christ is the Lord". I pondered upon that for a while and the lyrics came to me one night through "sudden strokes of inspiration". I ran it by the kids and they approved. The kids chose the melody, my husband (a drummer) helped create some interesting rhythmic ideas and then using my music knowledge I gave them multiple choice options to choose the harmony and chord progression.

This was a great family project and it was exciting to be able to perform a few years after we wrote it when that 6 year old turned 8 and got baptized.

If you choose to use this song, me and my family would love to hear how you used it and what you think!  

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Lyrics: We Can Fight for The Lord
When Helaman led his valiant young men,
He taught them to fight for the truth.
They fought with their sword,
And they fought for the Lord,
And miracles brought them back home.
Though the battle is long,
With faith we stay strong—
We stand tall with courage and faith.
Obedience to God gives us power.
We are fighting for truth ev’ry hour.
We stand tall, for Christ is the Lord.
When I’m in the world,
I won't need a sword
but I can still fight for the truth.
I cling to God’s word
as I follow the Lord,
and miracles lead me to Him.
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