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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Kathryn Latour!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SA, 2 part choir, Duet
See more from Kathryn Latour.
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More about Kathryn Latour:
I studied piano beginning at age 8 and my best skill is sight reading. I have had vocal instruction and have sung in church, university, and performance choirs since age 12. I received conducting training and subsequently led youth choirs, a semi professional adult choir, and a university choir. Because of the need for certain suitable music, I have had to arrange music for my choirs and have learned how to compose as a result. I still do a great deal of accompanying (on piano and organ) and leading choirs.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Kathryn Latour!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SA, 2 part choir, Duet
See more from Kathryn Latour.
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More about Kathryn Latour:
I studied piano beginning at age 8 and my best skill is sight reading. I have had vocal instruction and have sung in church, university, and performance choirs since age 12. I received conducting training and subsequently led youth choirs, a semi professional adult choir, and a university choir. Because of the need for certain suitable music, I have had to arrange music for my choirs and have learned how to compose as a result. I still do a great deal of accompanying (on piano and organ) and leading choirs.
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The various names of Christ set to Romanze by Robert Schumman.

Lyrics: Son of God, Jehovah, Lord,
Holy One, Creator, Word,
God of Abraham,
God of Jacob,
Morning Star and Beloved Son.
Mediator, God’s Firstborn,
Our Messiah, Cornerstone,
Second Comforter,
Living Water,
Son of Man, the Anointed One.
Alpha and Omega,
Rock of our Salvation,
God Almighty, I Am, the Lord of Hosts,
Lord of Lords, King of Kings!
Lamb of God, Redeemer, Judge,
Prince of Peace, Our Counselor,
Bridegroom, Savior, the Everlasting Christ!
Emmanuel, Jesus, Light of the World.
Good Shepherd, Advocate, Rabboni, Resurrection and the Life,
Adoni, Master, Bread of Life.
Our Teacher, Prophet,
Son of God, Jehovah, Lord,
Son of God, Jehovah, Lord.
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