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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Paul R. Machula!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SB

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EFY style/Contemporary

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More about Paul R. Machula:
Born in Snowflake, AZ, I’ve been a member of the Church all my life. I was raised by “goodly parents,” completed a mission (1967-69) in northern Argentina, and was married in 1976 to an American Methodist missionary’s daughter, Janet Allen, who was born in India and later converted to the Church. We met at B.Y.U. and were married in the Mesa, AZ, Temple. We have three daughters and ten grandchildren. Our daughters are married to faithful husbands and are raising wonderful families, for which we are truly grateful. I have an M.A. from B.Y.U. in Music Education and taught music in local schools for 22 years, and for 15 years I taught Spanish. Having written much music over the years, I recently have completed music in many styles for local community drama, dance, and band groups. I have also written music for many church functions. In 1990 I won first place for what was then called the Ensign Writing and Music Contest (anthem division) for my piece, “Wondrous Child.” Since I am now retired, I have devoted myself to many activities; therefore, my current website is not quite ready for posting some of my compositions (It contains too much about many of my other interests). Perhaps in the future I may remedy that. But if you wish to contact me, my email is prmachula@gmail.com. I truly appreciate the work of all those who devote so much time to freeldssheetmusic.org. It is truly a wonderful, much-needed endeavor!
Song background:

Having served a mission in Argentina and taught Spanish for twelve years, I decided to see if I could write an upbeat Christmas song in Spanish. It is in “Latin” style and would not be appropriate for sacrament meeting. Perhaps you will find it useful for a ward Christmas party. It is much enhanced when performed with Latin percussion instruments (claves, maracas, etc.). There are really only two parts, women and men, but could also be performed by two vocalists, one female and one male. The mp3 version does not use human voices for the vocal parts, but uses an oboe for the women’s part and a bassoon for the men’s part to give some kind of an indication of what the vocal parts would be like.

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Una Nueva Canción Navideña
(A New Christmas Song)

Cantemos una nueva canción para el niño Cristo Jesús
(Let us sing a new song for the child Christ Jesus.)
Nació en el pueblo llamado Belén y nos mostró la gloria y luz.
(He was born in the village called Bethlehem and showed us the glory and light.)

Vino del cielo: gran galardón que nos dió el gran Eterno Padre,
(He came from heaven: great gift that was given to us by the great Eternal Father,)
Y la doncella buena María era su madre.
(And the good maiden Maria was his mother.)


La salvación nos ofreció de su inmenso eterno amor.
(Salvation he offered us from his immense eternal love.)
Nos la dió y podemos participar de su gran fulgor.
(He gave it to us, and we can participate from [in] its great radiance.)

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