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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Grace Hegy!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SAB
We also have other 2 arrangements of "Turn Your Hearts".
See more from Grace Hegy.
Visit composer's personal website.
Comments for this piece:
From Roy Wilson: This is the most beautiful version of this song I have ever heard. We used your introduction (first four measures) and wrote a version of "I Love To See the Temple" in 4/4 time to lead into this song. We had a primary chorus do "I Love To See the Temple" and the ward choir "Turn Your Heart" for our ward conference! It was wonderful! Thanks so much for your inspired music!
5.0 stars.
From Diane: I was looking for a piece for our ward choir to perform on the family history topic, & this fits the bill perfectly. It is just the right amount of difficulty for the typical ward choir & full of interest. Thank you! We will be performing it!
5.0 stars.
From Dave Bates: I wanted to do a song about the temple. This one fit the bill perfectly. My choir really enjoyed doing it, and it was nice and easy.
4.0 stars.
From Beverly Wilson: I love this arrangement and can hardly wait to try it with our ward choir. We have quite a few Children and I feel it will bless them spiritually and be a successful venture! THANK YOU!
5.0 stars.
More about Grace Hegy:
Grace has been singing since she was 3. She studied voice and composition at BYU. Since then she has been a featured soloist for many events and many different genres. She enjoy composing for special events, herself, her daughters and her to sing together and the ward choir. She is currently working on a CD project with her original songs.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Grace Hegy!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SAB
We also have other 2 arrangements of "Turn Your Hearts".
See more from Grace Hegy.
Visit composer's personal website.
Comments for this piece:
From Roy Wilson: This is the most beautiful version of this song I have ever heard. We used your introduction (first four measures) and wrote a version of "I Love To See the Temple" in 4/4 time to lead into this song. We had a primary chorus do "I Love To See the Temple" and the ward choir "Turn Your Heart" for our ward conference! It was wonderful! Thanks so much for your inspired music!
5.0 stars.
From Diane: I was looking for a piece for our ward choir to perform on the family history topic, & this fits the bill perfectly. It is just the right amount of difficulty for the typical ward choir & full of interest. Thank you! We will be performing it!
5.0 stars.
From Dave Bates: I wanted to do a song about the temple. This one fit the bill perfectly. My choir really enjoyed doing it, and it was nice and easy.
4.0 stars.
From Beverly Wilson: I love this arrangement and can hardly wait to try it with our ward choir. We have quite a few Children and I feel it will bless them spiritually and be a successful venture! THANK YOU!
5.0 stars.
More about Grace Hegy:
Grace has been singing since she was 3. She studied voice and composition at BYU. Since then she has been a featured soloist for many events and many different genres. She enjoy composing for special events, herself, her daughters and her to sing together and the ward choir. She is currently working on a CD project with her original songs.
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