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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Eliza Porter!

Voicing/Instrumentation: Primary Children/Primary Solo

See more from Eliza Porter.

Related song categories are:
Heaven/Celestial Kingdom
Individual Worth/Self Esteem
Plan of Salvation/Premortal Life
Trust in God

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More about Eliza Porter:
Music Ed BYU 1997-2001. I love writing new settings for hymns so the text can have a deeper emotional connection. I began with "We are Sowing" in 2019 and have continued to "Count your Blessings", "Scatter Sunshine" and others. I learn something new with every song I work on and hope you enjoy them too.
Song background:

Built upon the words of President Nelson "Think Celestial", and "Let God Prevail" this fast paced tune teaches that our ability to choose is eternal and essential.

Sheet music playthrough video:
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Lyrics: I came here from heav-en by choos-ing His plan. And I'll keep on choos-ing as long as I can to fol-low the pro-phet, to let God pre-vail, and trust that His king-dom will ne-ver fail.
[CHORUS]I will choose faith ov-er fear. I will trust Him and per-se-vere. I know God loves me. That is for sure. When I think ce-les-tial I can en-dure.
When my heart is wea-ry my head hang-ing low, if this door won't o-pen He'll o-pen a window. This life's full of pur-pose; don't live on a whim. We al-ways have choic-es, so I'll choose Him.
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