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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Jodanna Weeks!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB
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More about Jodanna Weeks:
My name is Jodanna Weeks. I have loved music since I was small. I recieved piano lessons from an early age. I continued piano lessons through high school. I studied music composition and took piano lessons at Ricks College in 1984-1985. I have helped in school programs from 2003-2013 and helped students with music festivals. I am a pianist that has tried to venture into song writing. I appreciate the comments that have helped me improve the music.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Jodanna Weeks!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB
See more from Jodanna Weeks.
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More about Jodanna Weeks:
My name is Jodanna Weeks. I have loved music since I was small. I recieved piano lessons from an early age. I continued piano lessons through high school. I studied music composition and took piano lessons at Ricks College in 1984-1985. I have helped in school programs from 2003-2013 and helped students with music festivals. I am a pianist that has tried to venture into song writing. I appreciate the comments that have helped me improve the music.
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My Daughter wrote this as a poem and at a suggetion I put it to music. It has had several improvements. It is about Christ is The ONe who is always there for us. This is a hymn.

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